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View from the Dolman

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Everything posted by View from the Dolman

  1. Not sure a protest to "apply the rules as they are written" ending in a decision to not apply the rules as they written seems particularly logical - if the result is null and void, it is definitively clear who is to be determined as the winner of the drivers championship.
  2. Just awaiting the results from the DNA test to make sure he fits in.
  3. I believe it's George West, newly appointed Communications Manager (replacing Ed Lewis who also recently departed) - he was previously involved with both City Women and Bears Women.
  4. Are you referring to Player PA here? If so, that company has changed hands and is now associated with someone else since October (the new owner was previously working at Player PA). The company website hasn't been updated to reflect this but it also doesn't reflect the death of her sister (as reported here).
  5. The last set of published accounts for Bristol City Football Club Ltd (https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/03230871/filing-history/MzI4OTg3NDY1NWFkaXF6a2N4/document?format=pdf&download=0) put the wage bill at £24m before social security and pension costs.
  6. I wouldn't give those numbers any credibility - the total wagebill figure of £11.9m is so far from the published accounts that it's blatantly clear they don't have a clue.
  7. The Pula is the currency of Botswana so I'd assume the name comes from there.
  8. You're just plain wrong. The football club and stadium could be sold without Bristol Sport changing as an entity. There's already a group encompassing both football club and stadium - Bristol City Holdings Limited.
  9. Red Button is available on Now TV on selected devices - see the "Can I watch Bonus Streams and use other Red Button or interactive services?" question here: https://help.nowtv.com/article/now-features
  10. Richard O'Kelly did end up at Villa after returning to Walsall from us and then a spell at Brentford. He left Villa at the start of this season. Not sure about your suggested comments - they're somewhat different to what he said upon leaving. "The club is in a position now where, if the right decisions are made, it can only go one way. They are in good hands and I couldn't speak highly enough of the people I've worked with." https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/22478512.amp
  11. They did mention it in the Gate Guide - albeit in a way that would be very easily missed: "Supporters are advised to arrive at the ground early as extra security checks will be in place for this weekend's fixture."
  12. Not sure that it was all sunshine and roses when Adam was in situ. Somehow, he seems to be remembered well and forgiven and forgotten for the sloppy mistakes that happened on his watch.
  13. The EFL offers illustrative dates subject to change: https://www.efl.com/clubs-and-competitions/tv-games/ - currently it says "selections for 15 January to 5 February by 10 December".
  14. If I remember correctly, there were reports that Rooney was paying for team hotels out of his own pocket to ensure they had the required levels of preparation.
  15. Probably because someone proposed a meeting in the toilets just across the road from AG: https://twitter.com/00BAR2/status/1455192364855742473 Do you really think that you're going to get a club response on here? If you've got an issue, make a formal complaint - you're being beyond naive if you expect some kind of disciplinary trial to take place on here with an audience/baying mob.
  16. When did HNM get booked? I totally missed it if he did and various sites seem to be suggesting there weren't any yellow cards in the match (I don't remember any myself).
  17. He also fist pumped at one point when we got a free kick. Not sure if he was happy with the decision or just celebrating the ref getting something correct.
  18. That article doesn't mean Brentford received any local authority support. It actually meant Brentford had to make a financial contribution to the local authority. As per the report... "Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act requires landowners and developers to compensate a local planning authority for things it must build--such as roadways--because of a proposed development. Aspects of S106 agreements include financial contributions towards highway works, town center, education, and maintenance payments for things like affordable housing and public open space."
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