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View from the Dolman

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Everything posted by View from the Dolman

  1. Plans for a new rugby training ground in Failand... http://www.bristolrugby.co.uk/news/club-statement-bristol-rugby-training-ground/
  2. Suspended and removed from the management team page... think that clears up his future (or lack of). http://www.bristolrugby.co.uk/team/rugby-management/
  3. We were closer in points terms to 7th than we were to relegation. What a struggle!
  4. Those threads don't appear as being locked but there is no reply option either.
  5. Touting? What kind of stupid person tries to make money from a game that's not sold out?
  6. Lost test match status too. Start 2017 with a 48 point deduction in the CC, -4 in the T20, -2 in the RLODC.
  7. When was the last time you were hob-nobbing with the likes of Newcastle United and Aston Villa?
  8. More major developments... http://www.fcbusiness.co.uk/news/article/newsitem=4563/title=arena+seating+transform+bristol+rovers%26%23039%3B+memorial+stadium "The club took the decision to lower the control room at the cost of about £10,000 to the football club" How very extravagant! "Arena Seating’s in-house CAD design and structural engineering teams combined to ensure the plans were fully approved by the clients and local licensing authorities before the South Stand was totally refurbished and given a 20% expanded capacity going from 850 to 1,056 seats. On the adjacent corner a smaller South West Stand was also installed by Arena, adding 360 seats and taking the ground’s capacity to 12,300." Feel sorry for the CAD guy who's studied his stuff and ended up designing a circus tent.
  9. Some G*s fans banging on about Steve Lansdown and his Guernsey residency... Might want to look at their owner... Dwane Sports Limited. Registered in Jersey. That company being owned by Aramis Investments and Aramis Services. Those companies being owned by Equiom (Jersey). https://www.equiomgroup.com/en/locations/jersey/ Maximum obfuscation.
  10. The Sainsburys charge is against Bristol Rovers (1883) Limited and shown as still outstanding: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/04501223/charges The accounts appear to be filed correctly but the confirmation statement (the new 'annual return' - just a minor piece of admin work) is showing as overdue: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/04501223
  11. The tickets website suggests there's approximately 9833 tickets available (excluding Lansdown Stand Upper Tier).
  12. I agree and my Swindon supporting colleague was pretty put out by it. But it seems like the perfect opportunity for the rich guy to ride to the rescue... perhaps if he had some money!
  13. Darrell has been whining about Swindon charging full prices for the replay. I don't see the problem. I'm sure their trillionaire owner will be able to pay for everyone's ticket. The richest club in the world. Or BS7. Or something.
  14. 72 was the advance sales and didn't include POTD. It was almost certainly in excess of 100 but that's not quite an exciting story.
  15. That's a one-off attendance. Not a season average.
  16. The stand that previously relocated each summer to Wimbledon, I believe.
  17. Good news on the car park front... they've sold out! Tens of thousands of cars will now be locked out.
  18. Any chance you give me the lotto numbers... I want to know which ones to avoid.
  19. Looks like I had a point...! http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/Bristol-Rovers-Players-pay-Las-Vegas-promotion/story-29249978-detail/story.html
  20. Is that allowed? It's at least been the case in the past that bonuses had to be registered with the Football Association at the start of the season...
  21. There almost certainly won't be one. It's not being televised anywhere else, just being fed back to Ashton Gate via the Football League's fibre optic network.
  22. Bristol Rovers season tickets 2015/16: 3,526 (http://www.bristolrovers.co.uk/tickets/season-tickets/) Season tickets sold yesterday: 4,000 (https://twitter.com/BristolSportAB/status/717237342461931523 They are a massive club with the best fans in the world. How we envy them.
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