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Everything posted by RedRaw

  1. Really looks like he’s contemplating his life choices…..you can almost hear his brain chatter “WTF have I done”
  2. Oh doobie quiet with your play on words….
  3. I think any appeal would be for the decision not to offer an extension of time to file the documentation, not the content of the documentation itself I may be widely wrong
  4. Yes, was in their earlier in the summer chatting to one of his uncles RIP
  5. It appears so……28 pages of legal jargon to basically say…..…’case dismissed as you didn’t file the application in time’ ETM’s lawyers are as embarrassing as the claim itself I assume there is no right to appeal?
  6. Surely that’s a given for any redevelopment. I suspect in the sags case that translates to a very basic, cheap as chips stand, cutting corners and value engineering to an inch of it’s life
  7. That’s a shame…….many of the ‘gifts’ over the past few years emanated from this guy
  8. Clearly an attempt to stop non-registered users looking at any posts/information that may be on the forum about the protests/friendlies/trouble
  9. I think that was from a while back….however, astronomical levels of delusion. Simple question to the sag….based on what? current league position? historical league position? current attendances? historical attendances? Stadium? finances? overall league/cup success? I think you can generally answer no to most if not all of those when comparing to the clubs listed…..unless of course it’s percentage of d1ckheads amongst the support, then they are by far the biggest!
  10. Isn’t that what journalists do…..gather their information from various sources?
  11. I assume you got that figure from this article https://www.ibroxnews.com/2024/07/16/philippe-clement-to-improve-tommy-conway-after-rangers-transfer-as-bristol-city-ace-ticks-boxes/ that would be a compensation figure and the bare minimum at that. Surely the fact he has been with the club since a kid, has proven championship experience/goals and is now a full international, we’d be due a hell of a lot more than that
  12. I’m not sure it matters where in bristol nowadays, even in old rovers heartlands…..the majority of kids who chose to support a local team will go with city, I’d argue 75%+ the level we have been playing at and teams we play, the extra exposure, the stadium are all factors, and the fact that the old regular rivalry has not been seen for 20+ years. I live in the north of the city, Stoke Gifford/bradley Stoke area and if I see a shirt, 9 times out of 10 it’s city
  13. For those of you who like the away kit but don’t want to part with your hard earned cash…….just buy a Japan flag, cut a hole to fit over your head within the red circle and voilà!
  14. He’s signed up to play in the fans village first game of season…..
  15. Slight adjustment so it slips off the tongue a bit better……. Hir-a-kawas on the wing the greatest thing we’ve ever seen oh baby, oh baby
  16. We’ll be 12 points clear by then…….
  17. Fking embarrassing….if you just listened to the commentary you’d think Brazil were playing
  18. Don’t really see what all the fuss is about. The media overhyping the underdog….”5hit team but look at our fans”, remind you of anyone? Yes they take numbers but so do a lot of other countries. They our colourful and sing a lot but so do a lot of other countries. They drink and party and apparently don’t cause any trouble but so do a lot of other countries. i think the only difference between Scotland and most other countries is they all wear skirts!
  19. He is what he is. when he first went to Ipswich and was spending millions on about 20 new players, my first thought was ‘here we go again’ and that it will all go belly up. Difference is, Ipswich knew what they had to do to go up, got their man and gave him the resources to do it….it worked for them.
  20. Great news. Nothing against Jason knight but I would make Joe captain, very vocal, feisty, leads by example.
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