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Posts posted by BTRFTG

  1. CJ5nJqYWEAAZtNB.jpg

    Yeah pick the basic eggs and a load of stuff that will just be put back on the shelf :facepalm:

    Everybody's commenting upon what's in the basket but missing the point. Sherlock would have noted that having taken the photo the note was discarded at which point the #UTG (UnderThumbGashead) proceeded to go to till and purchase the items. His better half ( not difficult) made clear he'd be on the hungry step if he didn't do the shopping.

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  2. In a minority I know. I want to laugh. I really do. Its them over the road.

    Just find it difficult not to feel something for the real footie fans in their lot who have been screwed over again.

    I know. I know.

    You always were all heart....not a bad thing....

    Fact is I never used to dislike them with the vehemence I now do: but there was the way they robbed the Rugby Club, the 90's and their loud mouthing, the Grecian way they think the world owes them.

    As for their true fans; I don't wish to see their club go bust, just wither, wither and wither as they plummet through the leagues until they reach The Downs, their natural home.....

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  3. In this instance Sainsbury's were not compelled to make an appeal (it seems) unless Counsel opined they had a 60% chance of success. That's part of the Sainsburys deal.

    And as the judge highlighted The Big Bad Wolfy Supermarket did appeal (though they thought no chance of gaining approval) and moreover did so with the wholehearted approval and consent of The Gas. Therein, as the judge points out, lay the discharge of that particular obligation.

  4. The independent (Baron Von Roten Hosen) said: "I've already spoken with Rovers chairman Nick Higgs and have offered him and the club my full support in finding a resolution... but we are very limited as to what we can do as a local authority."

    Tosh - via delegation The Authority could have provided the necessary planning consents, either first time around or via the variation application.

    Nice one Baron - stitched-up The Gas and reinforced your easy earned reputation to boot. Perhaps like a Hammer movie of yore College Green will see hoards of flame carrying simpletons looking to exact revenge on The Monster.....

  5. ".....Only to then take great glee in such a behemoth crushing the little guy: Sainsbury over a Football Club...."

    Where are your Post-Nietzschean sensibilities ?

    This isn't Big Business Vs Small Guy; this is Beyond Good And Evil and goodness and light triumphed.

  6. How delicious that whilst the political gerrymandering of BCC (Councilors, Planners and their EHO) would not itself have been sufficient to produce today's outcome, that Rovers' explicit and wholehearted support for Sainbury's S73 application when combined saw fit to provide the perfect storm that ensured the Acceptable Store Planning Permission could not be substantiated.

    Oh dear, how sad, never mind.....

  7. Whilst Sainsbury's appear to have been 'prevarication personified' in discharging aspects of their obligation I wonder how much emphasis will be placed by the judge on what appears to be the first attempt to unilaterally vary the 'terms of the deal', namely Higgs seeking to amend in Rovers' favour liability in respect of the CIL? I've been involved in deals whereby first 'loss of trust' has been key if it establishes the party seeking variation weren't as honourable or committed as their outward intentions appeared. If Higgs was to be taken at his word and the deal fallen through should Sainsbury's not uprate their CIL contribution then reasonably one might ask whether, at that point, the intent to conclude the contract (a key component in contract law) had dissipated?

  8. Outstanding effort from all concerned (save the utterly petulant, liability that is El Bad - should terminate his contract immediately for a gutless and premeditated elbow - coward - and if you're still in the vicinity, nomark, I'm in the Chinese opposite the ground so pop by if you disagree.) To the rest you've restored my spirit in the past few days - see what you can do if you work and pull together. Too many top performances to highlight but if you were there this will live long in the memory.

    For those asking the dumb 'what if?' question - we'd have won by 4 or more - we were bossing it without problem. The fact one idiot nearly cost us when we weren't particularly under pressure - credit to the rest of the crew.

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