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Everything posted by DaveF

  1. I'd rather turn the TV off than watch Downsy's half time nonsense.
  2. Looks like the line up most of us wanted. Can't have any moans about that surely?
  3. Is that still the case? I know it used to be but we must have made enormous cuts since Pearson has been here, with a lot more coming in the summer.
  4. But we're a 2nd division team and have been for a while?
  5. A perfect demonstration of how clueless a decent chunk of our fan base are.
  6. Hes not going to leave anytime soon so you're just going to have to put up with it I'm afraid. Enjoy.
  7. Do you have the same data for other clubs in the league? Difficult to tell if that's a lot or about the going rate.
  8. Have I read that wrong or are you suggesting that because Baker had to retire through injury Kalas might be considering doing the same?
  9. OTIB is a miserable place. Are fans from other teams as negative as those on OTIB?
  10. Are you suggesting @frenchred doesn't watch loads of AC Milan matches?!
  11. Hes played almost 150 matches for us and has been one of our best players throughout his time here, certainly not that bad an investment!
  12. DaveF


    I missed today's match so can't comment on the performance, but from what a gather from the comments on here Klose and Atkinson were both fit but not in the squad?!
  13. Should be? Not sure why it wouldn't be.
  14. Hunt against Leeds away is the worst individual performance I've ever seen. He came on at 65 minutes and really changed the game in their favour...
  15. This. Basically a rough, heavy or mistimed tackle with poor technique!
  16. Would be a hell of a lot of eating to make a difference in about a week.
  17. How on earth can you still not spell his name?
  18. Do you believe they're the 20th best mens international team in the world?
  19. We've played well but Iran are dreadful.
  20. How are Iran ranked 20th in the world? Toughest group my arse.
  21. Still annoyed at Hudson after his I jury time OG against Wolves in 2014 cost me £750 on an acca!
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