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Everything posted by DaveF

  1. Get there early everyone so you don't miss out on an evening with Nigel Farage: https://twitter.com/craighubble/status/1489556352628367361?s=20&t=9Q0sDRstyDa-Xxu7uhluaw
  2. Scott and Semenyo make it but no Han. Rudoni in there @Harry. https://www.skysports.com/football/story-telling/11688/12532024/21-under-21-young-stars-of-the-efl
  3. Not sure his dad is the best influence, choosing Bolton over Man United?
  4. Certainly a game Wiles-Richard will want to forget.
  5. Wiles-Richard has had a bit of a mare with those two goals, poor fella.
  6. DaveF


    Don't bring that nonsense up again!
  7. We have better than Zak though. Start of the season he was behind Kalas, Atkinson and Baker. Now he's behind Kalas, Pring, Klose, Atkinson and Baker in an ideal world. I don't think Pearson intended Vyner to play so much... We've had a lot of injuries which meant he's played far more ever intended which has exposed his limitations.
  8. Looked like a stonewall penalty for a tackle on Semenyo... the one where he was bundled over?
  9. DaveF


    A Mr Dean Holden I believe?
  10. I don't disagree. He's not cut out to play CB at championship level but I'm sure he can forge a decent career for himself. Its a shame as he appears to have the physical but not the mental attributes needed for a championship defender.
  11. Hes a pretty tidy footballer, decent with the ball at his feet and can pick a pass. Cant defend very well though which is a bit of an issue at championship level. Guessing Pearson feels the same by dropping him today.
  12. Their debts are believed to be over £60m, the highest ever seen at a Championship club, with potentially £40m more if Wycombe and Middlesborough succeed in their legal claims. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11696/12527725/derby-countys-debts-believed-to-be-more-than-60m
  13. Have you stolen these stats from Swansea per chance David?
  14. Steve Walsh seems to get the credit for that one.
  15. DaveF


    Fleming did the presser, Pearson must be off!
  16. Why would you need to change your username? Mysterious...
  17. But I thought we were signing him to instantly replace O'Dowda..? ?
  18. Hardly a shock that the partner of a player who doesn't play is glad to see the manager go...
  19. He would likely have settled status being contracted to Norwich when Brexit kicked in.
  20. I presume so, as we're on a football forum.
  21. But we're discussing it in football terms are we not?
  22. At Oxford, on loan from Barnsley.
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