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Posts posted by Erithacus

  1. Saints have beaten London City 1-0! That has handed the title on a plate; we 'only have to win' and it's a return to the WSL. With lots of tickets already sold, I suspect this will add a few more to the attendance next Sunday. It would be a great day to win in front of a big crowd and celebrate. Just need to keep our heads down and make sure.

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  2. It seems to me that this is a mirror of humanity. Do we see what we want to, or what is actually there? What is the purpose?

    It also strikes me that if the 'sport' killed as many jockeys as horses then we would have a vastly different spectacle - perhaps something like motor racing in the post-war period.

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  3. It's quite clear to me that there are different types of supporter at a match, which will necessarily include those who do nothing but moan and berate. I agree that they must have some sort of problem elsewhere and find football a release mechanism to vent or disipate their negativity. In that respect football is a form of therapy, not available on the NHS and perhaps effective enough. You often find they will shout things at distant players/officials/opposing fans that they would not dare to do so close up. Maybe this is football's gift to the wider society.

    Also agree with the fact of permanent seating causing some unrest among groups. We recall how the new development of all-seater stadiums after the Taylor Report caused the atmosphere to drop in many cases. Having to spend a whole season sat next to some knuckle-dragger will certainly dampen the enjoyment.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Hamdon Mart said:

    And rumours from a reasonable source on Twitter that the non-football staff at Coventry United have been made redundant....

    Presumably they are going to keep the playing staff to complete their last three games, and then....? Is there a thought that the club's backers will take a drop down the system and keep going? A pity if so, but another stark warning that the women's game is often on tenuous footings.

    I note they are a limited company, incorporated 25th January, 2018, based on the old Coventry Spartans club of old.

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  5. Dissapointing is the word today. Have to commend Sheffield Utd for their solid and workwomanlike performance. Clearly they came to pack the midfield and stifle our normal expansive play. I also wondered about the team selection that left Hayles and Syme on the bench - which is due to slight knocks, I assume. Good to see Aimee Palmer start but she was frequently closed down and was reduced to picking the ball up in deeper positions as the game went on. Probing became difficult and we suffered from a lack of efforts on goal.

    Sweetman-Kirk was a constant worry and she was at the sharp end of United's thrusts when they came forwards. It was a neat ball down the flank and across the six yard box that was the difference. Defending was a little shaky at times and Layzell was turned too often.

    Bruce's red card was a poor response after the half time break and it reduced the variety we could create. Even with a big reshuffle we found pressing forward heavy going. Changing the distribution was more in desperation than logical thinking in the late stages, but we did look a lot more like we would produce something, even with ten. United began to sit back and close ranks, but were secure in the main. Hayles' bundle over the line was already flagged offside and their keeper was not really tested in the final summing up. Some close efforts but they were off target.

    So, we were cheered when London City stumbled at Durham, now they're happier we too have dropped against lower opposition. Still those three points ahead but now we have to win - dropping any more points could be disastrous. Steel hearts and cold blood needed from now on.

    Could it be that the last Women's game at the HPC is going to be a disappointing defeat? I note Season ticket renewals are yet to be announced - is the club awaiting on the final table before offering them?

    • Like 1
  6. Looking at the history of Bemmy, it is clear to all that the expansion was mainly down to the coal mining that started properly in the 1700s and by 1800 there were about eighteen collieries. With a huge draw for labour, Bedminster grew rapidly and so did the pubs. To get some idea of how many there were have a look at https://bristolslostpubs.com/bedminster/ and see how many you can count, and how many are still (just) going. The miners certainly had a good choice.

  7. A simple rule: the more you spend on binoculars the better they should be. In terms of magnification, the higher the more you will be able to pick out fainter lights. If money is the deciding factor then I would buy a cheaper pair and enjoy the range of things you can see, rather than be disappointed about not seeing the rest. With almost any pair you will see more than with the naked eye (notwithstanding the Aurora  Bognor Regis Bristol). Knowing what and where something interesting will be key, so do the research first. Then you will enjoy the heavens!

  8. I suppose the club has only two grounds and the HPC is looking short of space, so there is really only one choice. Yes, they might conclude an arrangement with another club (or the SGS?) but perhaps it would be seen as a little disingenuous. Crowds at the Gate have been 2500-3000 this season so that might be sufficient to make the costings work. Playing in the WSL will surely bring a bigger attandance from visiting clubs too. Mr Lansdown will have someone working on those prospective figures, I'm sure.

    Anyways, it would be rather fetching if the girls were to find a way to be promoted at the Gate on April 23rd, wouldn't it?

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  9. 12 minutes ago, shahanshahan said:

    Naomi Layzell is missing ?

    And Palms and Syme on the bench too!


    14 minutes ago, miser said:

    Durham 3 -0 up v London City

    This division has several teams that can beat anyone on their day, and Durham can certainly perform as we know. Fine margins, etc.

    If London City lose again it will seen as a sign they might be getting twitchy as the season closes. Time for strong but composed hearts today.


  10. Meanwhile a crazy game at Shellards Road: Longwell Green went three up by half time, Lydeard came back and scored three soon into the second. Green made it 4-3 inside two minutes (Belcher's hat-trick) after the equaliser and rounded the match off with a fifth. Value for money at the Toolstation League.

  11. Yes, there did seem to be some tetchiness in the first half that was not football related, but the ref (at length) quelled it. Second half was better in terms of output and positivity, not totally unrelated to Palmer's appearance after the break. And yes, good to see Brooke out and back in action too (and yes, again, unsurprisingly looked a little rusty but also showed some class).

    Overall a game that was not so pretty or spectacular, but a deserved win ground out against an obdurate Durham side. At this stage of the season the results will live longer than the performance and so we have inched ahead of London City, which is crucial as the next fixture is at Princes Park.

    I thought Ela Powell was liveliest today, particularly in the first half, and Rachel Furness was able to snuff out opposition moves and then move it forwards to set up attacks. Abi Harrison was the usual handful either in attack or from midfield. She is also central to the huddles and we are benefiting from her international experience.

    Flowing football was difficult as Durham's back four were on their toes. However, when we made it into the penalty box we had a few good opportunities; it also has to be said that the opponents almost sneaked a goal early on and that would have changed the game entirely. Fortunately the City defence was alert and when the shots came in there were lots of bodies in the way - a good sign of defending from a team perspective.

    So on to next week. Not the title decider it might have been but a vital game none the less. Then there will only be one more home game at the HPC. Gosh, doesn't the end of the season jump up quickly!


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