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For Those Using The London Underground

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With Hull City fans arriving by train at kings cross and then making thier way

to the stadium

Best advice for those arriving at paddington is to use the bakerloo route


Will take you to Wembley central

a few minutes walk then to the stadium

saves making the changes at marylebone etc

journey time

approx 20 minutes

please buy your travel cards from your local boarding raiway station

five hundred city fans arriving at paddington to buy tickets to

wembley means gurt big queues

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Brown line it is then, already done re ticket Glos to Wembers; another suggestion if there are huge ques in temple meads is poss to come up North to Glos or even Stroud or Parkway and go from there bypassing Temple Meads; not to many of you holigans though we be gert posh up here :laugh:

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