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What Plans For Tonight?


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I share the feelings of many that this week has been a very long time indeed. Here we are, the day before the great day itself, with just one more evening to go.

It's all so near yet still so far, so how will you spend this last night waiting for the hours to pass until you climb onto the combine, bus, train or car and head onto the road to Wembley?

I'll be taking my daughter to a sleep over, watch a bit of telly and try to get an early night - though I'll be amazed if I manage to sleep!

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Leaving work at 2:30pm. Over to Temple Meads to pick up my Nephew who's coming up from Devon. Pop home and shower the kids (got home late last night so didn't bother...pheewww!) then popping down the Robins for a few pints with the family and play some pool. Get a chinese across the road from the Robins. Get home, watch some TV. Go to bed about 10:00pm and doze off with the news on ready for up at 5:30am for the 7:00am train.

I was up at 5:30am this morning just because I was!

I'm a bit of a hyper wreck this morning, so I hope people keep out of my way!!!! :innocent06:


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Wells its my football teams end of season do tonight so ill be down town at this function Ive told them though i really have to be gone by 11 as I'm on the 6:15am train from temple meads I'm just hoping the beers i have tonight will make me sleep as i remember our last wembley visit in 2000 i didn't sleep a wink the whole night before.

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I'm just going to spend the evening watching a selection of DVDs/Sky+ to pass the time. The 2 palace games, England 3-2 Argentina Etc, and praying we can have our day tomorrow!! Then leaving Midsomer norton in a minibus early tomorrow!


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Finish work at 6pm (Its going to be a long day!)

Straight home have tea.....

Watch hollyoaks, BBC points west, eastenders and then Sky sports news for the rest of evening, while having a sneaking couple of tins, not too many just enough to make me fall straight to sleep when i goto bed at about 10:30 - 11........

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Will pummel myself full of antibiotics to try and shift this infection in time so an early night for an early start. Looks like I may have to obstain from the Natch for tomorrow then. :crying:

every cloud has a silver lining.just think,you,ll be able to remember everything

about the biggest game in city's history!

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Thought about going out, but don't wanna drink too much or get too tired as I would like to remember tomorrow and not suffer all morning

Now i cant go out anyway :( so no celebration tomorrow for me either if we win

Just go home and watch the game again if we win

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Out for dinner with friends tonight. Will have to spend a couple of hours trying to make polite conversation (which probably means not going on about the match :D)

Then home, make sure my freshly washed shirt is dry for tomorrow... bed... and stare at the ceiling for 8 hours until I get up and ready :)

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Got a plane at 8pm, lands Sat morning at 10am. I can't sleep on planes but I'm going to pump myself full of sleeping pills. I still won't sleep, but I will feel slightly drugged up so it makes the whole experience a little more bearable... will be drinking a couple of alcoholic beverages and praying for no delays!

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i was waking every hour last night thinking about the game.

which has never happened before.

So, a few bevvies in bedminster with the brother and then early(ish) night.

i thought work would be going slow but its passed rather quick, plus i've just blagged a half 3 finish.

It's that time where you start to dread something going wrong. So enough blackthorn to relax, and fall asleep is on the cards.

fingers crossed for an easy night, and a great day tomorrow.

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Finish work at 3.00 on the dot. Down the local to bounce around and annoy the plastic supportes of Man U etc who just can't get there head around why I am so excited :disapointed2se: d

(any city in Plymouth who fancy an afternoon/early evening pint I will be in the Prince Maurice)

Home time 8ish for a large tot or two then hopefully something decent to watch on the box to waste away a couple of hours. Try to sleep (cue another tot! if required!) then down to railway station for 6.55 train.

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Got a works booze cruise tonite - the social equivalent of coca-cola megaphones and mexican waves at football matches IMO - but trying to see it as a few pre-match drinks to get nice and relaxed for tomorrow.

My work colleagues know I'm an EE regular, and I swear some of them keep talking to me to try ang get some (any) info on the team, and how to behave tomorrow, so they wont look such *****. If you hear a chorus of 'one danny wilson' or 'tinman plays for city' break out tomorrow..that'll be them :whistle2:

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Going to a mates place in Clapham for the night. any other sh*theads out in Londinum this evening.... aswell as Kev in Covent Garden! I know i'm going to need quite a large amount of alcohol to sleep tonight!

I am that mate in Clapham - lets have a "PRE-Premier League DRINKING SESSSIIIOOOONNNNN" in Clapham! there will already be 4 City fans there, "Canyon Monkey" from the forum will be popping in to pick up tickets and have a pint. Why not get more, eh?

Pub is the Bread and Roses, half way down Clapham Manor Street. You get there from Clapham North or Clapham Common tube; walk down Clapham High Street - turn down the street by KFC, and its half way down. Was Evening Standard's 1998 Pub of the Year, so was great once!

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