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Praise For Lansdown

kev mcgrev

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Steve L. has done far more to bring the club onto an even keel than many supporters will realise. When he inherited the post of Chairman after his predecessor the club was in a poor financial state and had far too many administrative people in uncessessary jobs, and also some people in key jobs who weren't up to the job. Over the years he's worked hard to get rid of the dead wood, aim for a long term future for BCFC and bring in people who can do a good job.

It takes time but he's a successful businessman and he's brought that expertise into the club and its paid off; the club is no longer haemorrhaging cash (Davidson left BCFC with a 10% debit figure per annum) and is now healthy. He brought in a manager who has managed at international level (okay it was Latvia but it still counts) and who had a proven track record of getting a club up two divisions which is success at any level.

The focus may well be on the players and the manager, but without a chairman of far sighted vision this all would not have been possible.

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