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Unlucky Fellas


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Yeah, but we got beat when we were the better team....I guess you need an old dog who can stick it in the net like phillips or fatarse to get out of this league..

Our end product cost us, and I'm not particularly surprised.

Adebola and Trundle have a tendency to dwell far too long - our forward line should be our focus in the close season.

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yep, 70% possession but no real threat means we need the luck to come our way, rather have a goal bagger, but they did 40 points better than i expected this year sio no complaints. Not sure if get to plsay off next year with so few points though, this really was our chance..

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yep, 70% possession but no real threat means we need the luck to come our way, rather have a goal bagger, but they did 40 points better than i expected this year sio no complaints. Not sure if get to plsay off next year with so few points though, this really was our chance..

Agreed, we'll need more points next year to have the success we had this time around, but you can expect a couple of additions to the squad... you never know, we might just find a true goalscorer which'll make us an even stronger proposition.

To say we're heading in the right direction is an understatement :city:

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I think whoever went up today was going to struggle in the Premier League. Derby's record won't stand for long.

Neither team looked like winning and Windyass will never strike a ball as well as that again but where City's defenders?

Just the Summer signings and player releases to look forward to now.


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