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Johnson Go!


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On holiday, you deserve the break. You have been fantastic all season, this club/team is unrecognizable from the one that lost to BHA.

Come back next season, one or two new faces, then lets see what happens.

So proud of my boys today.

We threw everything at them, but it just didn't want to go our way.

Hope Bradley Orr is going to be ok. Might come back a little uglier.

Off to drown my sorrows camping in Kananaskis, but feel good that this club is in very safe hands with Super Gary at the helm.

You Reds

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Well said that man. We should all be very proud of what our team has achieved this season. I am so proud of the lads we should all be. We will be back fresh and ready to start a new season and get behind the lads again. Well done to Gary Johnson and the boys on a fantastic sesaon we have exceeded expectations.

Have a great summer lads and see you all next season. Onwards and upwards. :clapping:

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Well said, a bit of careful strengthening and we'll be there or thereabouts again.

Cant fault the effort at all. anyone else see Windyarses face on the big screens: He was worried to fk for the last twenty minutes or so.

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