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Thanks For The Game


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Back from Wembley, and thought you gave a very good game, and pressed hard in the 2nd half. On that kind of performance, you certainly deserved to be there, and I'm pleased you didn't manage to nick a goal near the end.

It was also very sporting of your players to stay on the pitch at the end, and watch/applaud the presentation. I hope you don't feel offended that I offer congratulations to your team.

On the front of the supporters - I think ours managed to make a good noise whether they were day-trippers or not. I didn't hear one complaint about anyone throughout. It certainly seemed to have a good atmosphere most of the time.

Oh - and Ihope Orr turns out to be OK. He seemed to go down without anything going on, so I'm not sure what happened.


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Hope you enjoy next year - try and prove all those annoying journalists wrong who have written you off before you start the season.

And fair play to your player who after a short celebration then walked and spoke to every single one of our players whilst the rest of your players were celebrating with you. Got a lot of respect from me.

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in terms of atmosphere... up to the goal it was pretty even... After that you had more to sing about...

Watching you lot go mad at the end was hard to take... But good luck to you next year. As was said before prove the doubters wrong (beat stoke please) and ruffle up the posh boys...

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Congratulations on your promotion. I didnt hear Hull sing much at all BUT before u get offended I'm sure you didnt hear us sing much at all either. Think the dsitance and the sorta 50 50 fan aspect means that both fans cancel each other out. I'm sure you were, and could certianly at times see u singing just couldnt hear you!

But as i said Congratulations, i don't begrudge you your victory and good lucky next season

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Back from Wembley, and thought you gave a very good game, and pressed hard in the 2nd half. On that kind of performance, you certainly deserved to be there, and I'm pleased you didn't manage to nick a goal near the end.

It was also very sporting of your players to stay on the pitch at the end, and watch/applaud the presentation. I hope you don't feel offended that I offer congratulations to your team.

On the front of the supporters - I think ours managed to make a good noise whether they were day-trippers or not. I didn't hear one complaint about anyone throughout. It certainly seemed to have a good atmosphere most of the time.

Oh - and Ihope Orr turns out to be OK. He seemed to go down without anything going on, so I'm not sure what happened.


Back from the game !! what did you have a helicopter :tounge:

Fair play though, thought the game was very even but a great goal one it

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Hah - no Helicopter - working near London at the moment.

We couldn't hear the Bristol fans much, but for the same reason - it was too noisy at our end too, even in the posh seats. A few roars got through near the end though, when it got a little tense.

And I've just seen Orr's collision on Sky Sports News. It looked to have been near the goal, so I guess he must have collapsed some time afterwards? I was definitely confused about it live.

Thanks for the congrats back. Here's hoping we boh do well next year!

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Back from Wembley, and thought you gave a very good game, and pressed hard in the 2nd half. On that kind of performance, you certainly deserved to be there, and I'm pleased you didn't manage to nick a goal near the end.

It was also very sporting of your players to stay on the pitch at the end, and watch/applaud the presentation. I hope you don't feel offended that I offer congratulations to your team.

On the front of the supporters - I think ours managed to make a good noise whether they were day-trippers or not. I didn't hear one complaint about anyone throughout. It certainly seemed to have a good atmosphere most of the time.

Oh - and Ihope Orr turns out to be OK. He seemed to go down without anything going on, so I'm not sure what happened.


Good luck for next season, hope you stay up and prove those pundits wrong (lawro etc)

oh and thrash stoke please!

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Good luck for next season, I think our clubs are very similar and I hope you do well and manage to stay up. Had a bit of a laugh with some of your fans on the tube going to the ground, but have to say they were very subdued on the way back, almost as if they didnt want to win!

It was very hard to watch you celebrate at the final whistle, but thats life.

That bloody Windass should have retired last year.. :disapointed2se: He took his goal well, fair play to him.

Good luck!

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Obviously gutted that it's not us going up - and feel that with a slightly different bit of luck it could have been. But wish the best of luck to Hull next year, hope they prove all the critics wrong and maybe we'll join them for the 2009/10 season. Believe.

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Well done. As I've said on here before, if we didn't go up, then Hull were the team I wanted to get through the playoffs, as they're similar to us in many ways, and it really winds up the fans of the "big" teams in this league that 2 of the "lesser" sides have achieved more than them.

I don't think there was much between us, a class finish won it. I hate Windass (how many goals is that against us now?) but he's clearly got a bit of quality about him. The Hull fans that I came across all seemed pretty friendly, and some godd banter was had.

Enjoy next season, and I hope you prove the "experts" wrong and stay up. Rather you stayed up than some of the lower mid-table teams who contribute nothing to the league (Middlesbrough, Fulham, Bolton etc)

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Yes, all the best for next season.

I hope you prove all the pundits wrong and really make a go of it: take the Man U's and the Chelseas down a peg or two.

A superb goal from Windass (though I hate to say it!) and full credit to him for assisting our man.

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All the best for next season. The one moment of class by Campbell and Windass was the difference between the sides. I met many Hull fans, all were fantastic, and apart from the result I had a great day out. I really hope that you have a great season and prove the pundits wrong.

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I'll be supporting Hull in the Premier League. You're a proper team with proper fans.

As others have said, please stuff Stoke and please please please beat ManUre at their place.

PS This goodwill ceases when we join you in the PL :)

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