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Reasons To Be Cheerful

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Disappointing though the result yesterday, I'm trying to look on the bright side:

1. I no longer have to have sleepless nights about Bradley trying to mark Ronaldo out of the game.(Get well soon, Brad. You'll be back)

2. Before the reshuffle yesterday, it looked like Carle and Elliott were well in control of the midfield, and were able to open up the Hull defence in a variety of ways, although we did get more one-dimensional in the 2nd half.

3. Those players and the staff have had a fantastic season and really deserved the big stage that they had yesterday.

4. I thought Trundle looked good in the first half; if only he had his shooting boots on.

5. Fontaine looked comfortable and though Campbell had some good moments, I felt our defence dealt with him well.

6. Undone by one bit of excellent finishing, though we did present Hull the opportunity to score. It came after a really good 10 minute spell for us.

7. My wife, who is now 10 days overdue, managed to hold on and I now no longer have to fear dashing away from Wembley halfway through the first half. Thanks for all your advice and tips, by the way, about bringing on childbirth. None of it worked, but I've spent loads of money on pineapple, curry, tonic water, etc.

Enjoy the Summer and see you at AG in August!

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My wife is due at the end of August. We had a frank talk just this morning about what happens if she starts having contractions during a game.

She doesn't see my point of view that active labour usually takes between 10 and 12 hours for the first birth (see, I've been reading up) so if I stay until the end it won't be the end of the world.

Women :rolleyes:

On the plus side, in a few months there will be another addition to the red army.

Oh, another reason to be cheerful: those that enjoy away days should still be able to get tickets. In the Premier League it would have been a nightmare, even for season ticket holders.

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