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A Bridge Too Far - Really Felt For The Players


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Obviously disappointed about yesterday - as predicted by many it was a 50-50 game and decided by a moment of inspiration.

I long ago vowed not to get too upset about matters I can't control but my lasting memory will be the sight of the lads collapsing to the floor in dejection at the end having given their all at the end of a terrific season. The likes of Carey and Basso might never get a shot at the Premier League and the others will know what a great opportunity it was to hit the big time. I doubt any of us will ever experience a similar feeling.

We played our usual neat brand of football with slick passing and good movement but the final ball wasn't good enough. A few half-chances came and went and the free kicks were pretty poor, but you have to say that Hull defended well. Not McIndoe's best game (he kept drifting inside) and we didn't get any crosses in from the right until Sproule came on.

Our defending for the goal might have been better but it was a swift counter attack and you can't legislate for a first-time volley from the edge of the penalty area - a good story regarding Windass no matter what you might think of him and his actions when Orr was injured were commendable.

It's going to be tough next season with some big clubs coming down and up into the Championship but our achievement will hopefully enable us to attract some good players (e.g a regular goalscorer) and some of the younger lads will be better for the experience. Honarary mentions at the end of a memorable season to Basso and the back four, the energetic Elliott, the enigmatic McIndoe and the promise of Nick Carle. Also shouldn't forget the best manager outside the Premier League.

We always believe!

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