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Did You Enjoy It?

fulham red

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Yesterday was one of the worst days in my life, well emotionally anyway.

I never slept on Friday night, despite trying to have an early night having to

get my train at 5.40. I got to London around 8.45 and feeling very confident I

was still nervous as hell. I met my mate and we all went for a beer at 9.am but

even they didn't go down that well. I thought we played well but just couldn't get the

opening we needed and then Fat man (windass) scored that goal. I wonder if he

saw Pitmans review last week on the TV!!! Maybe Brown did a Grant and showed fatty

the news thread, which fired him up for the game like it fired up drogba against Liverpool.

Anyway I came out of the ground and stood outside Wembley and I must admit I shed a tear or

2 and I was consoled by a number of city fans. I loved the day but hated the result and I'm still

gutted. But my mate said 1 thing to me, which I hope is true, west brom felt like this last season and

look where they are now!!!

I believe!!!!!

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Theres a lot of things we can still look forward to.

If Hull become this great Premier team we can all say we were there when they first went up.

If they go straight down and we go up automatically we can say we were better off and it made us a stronger team, more likely to stay up when we get there.

The players will have experience at wembley so we can now make a proper cup run minus those nerves on the day of the final! Hey, if Cardiff can make it there so can we.

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Guest DanC

Worst day of my life. It was amazing but as soon as Windass scored that spoiled the whole day. I thought losing wouldn't feel as bad as it did against Brighton but it feels even worse. The dream that I had has gone for another season and that hurts.

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For me it was a great day. Have been a City supporter since I as six (now 45), and circumstances conspired against me ever seeing them in a Wembley or Cardiff final.

Yesterday I was there.

OK it was a defeat, but to be there on the brink of the Premier league when I've watched them plummet down all four divisions in the eighties was fantastic.

Of course I'm disappointed that they couldn't turn a shedload of chances into just one goal, as I'm convinced that Hull had no chance of scoring once Windass had gone off.

This time next year City will go up as one of the top two, I'm sure of that. The club knows what's needed to rogress from "almost" in 2008 to "we've done it" in 2009. I was there at Ashton Gate in April 1976, and will be there too in April / May 2009.


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I got to say even though we lost i had an amazing day i'll tell you why! City have done so well,...yeah ok we didn't win, i really wanted them too....BUT (and everyone is going to slate me now) But in a way I'm glad! ....next season, with my nearest and dearest and being with people who love bcfc no matter where they are, will still support them! without the glory hunters there to make the atmosphere shit at ag

sorry its the way i feel

mwah xxx

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Yes, of course,

I duly got myself to the the depths of the Charles Dickens Tavern in central Melbourne at 11.00 pm and watched the game in the company of several other blokes from the Bristol area who,otherwise, I would never have had the pleasure of meeting.

Far better that than watching it ,in solitary state, at home.

So we got beaten. Regretable, at least in the short term? Yes ,of course it was, but to repeat an old cliche, you win some, you lose some in sport -as in life.

But I would never had missed it, and I am sure that City will recover from the setback and re-emerge stronger than ever

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I didn't enjoy the game, as others have said, due to the tension and anxiety, I only really enjoyed the semi-final once Trunds scored to break the tension.

However, this feels infinitely better than being a 17 year old, as I then was, and seeing your team bottom of the entire league on the back of a 7-1 defeat at Northampton, or indeed as a 40something on the back of a 7-1 defeat at Swansea.Now that felt like real despair!

It's about perspective I suppose, and no, I wasn't this philosophical on Saturday evening!!! I feel for Jamie McCombe who missed out on a footballer's dream through illness and Bradley who suffered such a nasty injury.They both certainly had a worse day than I did!!

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