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New Signings?


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Have to be quick after we've signed them or they won't be new anymore.

Same day = new signing.

Next few days, newish signing, still counts.

Week or more, old news, old signing, moving on to the next one, could even be a newer new signing by then.

So the new and the newer signing could get mixed up and that would mean the newer signing is more newsworthy than the newish. :innocent06:

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When will we hear of any new signings? If any?

Not a case of if any - there will be several.

Probs are most players going away on hols now, so probably might not happen for another month or so.

going to be a long 4 weeks I reckon..... :tumbleweed:

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Have to be quick after we've signed them or they won't be new anymore.

Same day = new signing.

Next few days, newish signing, still counts.

Week or more, old news, old signing, moving on to the next one, could even be a newer new signing by then.

So the new and the newer signing could get mixed up and that would mean the newer signing is more newsworthy than the newish. :innocent06:

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Ditto the above :laugh:

Now byfield and enoch have done we need at least 2 quality strikers to replace them, possibly 3 if plummer isn't going to get a chance this year

Also if betsy moves on (as he hasn't played this year wouldn't be surpised) another winger is a must in order to give Sproule the kick up the backside he needs

Defender wise we could do with a centre back as vasko has gone, also hopefully if Riberio is going to be involved next year wouldn't need to sign a left back as cover for Jamie or James as they announced at Wembley (Since when has maccas name been James?)

Players I'd Like To see signed

Strikers - Lita, Lafferty (Just seen on bbc website he's seeking a move), Eastwood?/Sharp? probably do with a target man as cover for dele, am unsure who though

Winger - Huckerby (Would love to see him sign a quality playe, maybe the wrong side of 30, but great delivery, pace and can score goals and play up front if needed)

Defender - If keogh bucks up his deas and forces his way into GJ's plans would be like a new signing, i really hope keogh stays was one of my favourite players in league one for his 100% effort every game. If not perhaps Matty Hill (Sorry matt, Mathhew Hill) or Billy Jones both of preston?

I think about 4/5 players needed to push for promotion next year, lets hope we do it!!!

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Ok MATTBCFC thank you for the info. I was not to sure if we would hear anything over the next couple of days or so.

I should have worded my question a bit better. Then would not have got so many smart ars answers back. I should have known better coming from this lott. :laugh:!!!

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