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Yes folks the long awaited new album by Kingbathmat 'Blue Sea Black Heart'

Is now available..... cheap too.... less than £3.00 a download

If you are familiar with Kingbathmat then this album will not be anything less than another classsic

I've been listening to it for a week or so and even the tracks that don't jump out at you straight away.....still will grab you after a few listens :)

I'm nothing to do with the band..... or main man 'John' but I do believe in letting people know about one of the hottest unsigned Bands/Artists. Unsigned(!) don't be fooled this is a quality product!

Kingbathmat really are one that should be up there on your radar..... if you don't believe me check the band out at their website or LastFM

I found it easier to just go and download the album direct from the bands website

Who knows you may love it or you may hate it but it is good.

The blurb from one review stated that if you like Pink Floyd with the edge of Kasabian then this is for you (or something like that)

But I can hear so much more :)

It's a tip pop-pickers.............like in the old days when people 'Turned On' to bands ;)

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