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C. Ronaldo


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What do you lot think. Is he going to stay at manure or go R madrid. I found this interesing:

"Cristiano knows that Madrid are a club to which you can never say no. History shows that you can lose the opportunity, and for that reason he is not going to say no to them.

"There are very few people who can say they have the capacity to make their lifelong dreams reality, but Cristiano is in this group of chosen people.

"Cristiano has always told me that his objectives in England were to win the Premier League and the Champions League.

"Now that he has done that, he has nothing left to prove. He knows he needs a new challenge.

"He feels his experience in Manchester has made him stronger. But above all, he knows that a train like Real does not come along every day and he would be stupid to miss it."

Would be a shame, he makes good viewing on MOTD :englandsmile4wf:

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He isn't going to get the opportunity to say yes or no to Real because he has a four year deal at the richest club in the world and they're absolutely not going to let him go. He can't request a move or pull any shit because Man U will be straight on the phone to UEFA and Real will run a mile. It gets boring every summer to be honest.

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Who and where is the quote from?

As a counter quote:

Gaby Heinze of Real Madrid said: (paraphrasing as I cant be arsed to looked for the actual quote) - "It is very unlikely that we can get Christiano as long as Ferguson is in charge - Ferguson had the belief in him and gave him his opportunity at a young age."

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