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Just when you feel just a little bit sorry for those losers having to put up with their inept board, you read stuff like this today on the 606 messageboard.

"As for the 82ers,

Well they have their own plans in north somerset. Strange that as i still havnt seen a single design plan of the ground or in fact anymore talk of it after the larget bottle job in wembley history. They can try to rib us about this but we have funds for the ground(not flats)planning permission and a design, all of which they don't have.

They will say we have the fund with the mighty SL in charge. Well remember something my dear old 82ers. All the money you have got so far for players has come from prize money from last years promtion and the rise of 33% in ticket prices last year. The mighty SL has spent none of his own cash only yours.

P.S. Bad as our board maybe (and they are), they are on the verge of building us a new ground worth 38 million pounds. Tell me the last time any Bristol City board invested that sort of money, hmmm never. Then again Bros might go on tour again and you can get davidson back to pump the cash in as he did last time :oh no he promised and didn't, sound like the mighty SL?2

They are completely deluded, aren't they?

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They are, as you say, completely deluded.

Steve Lansdown's millions have been keeping us afloat through years of loss making, starting before he became Chairman of the club.

Perhaps they should look closer to home and consider how Dumbford & partners fiddled the club and it's supporters out of millions of pounds with the floatation of Cowlins.

I don't ever intend posting on a gassy site but someone might want to suggest the following start points for research before they start throwing stones from their shoddy little greenhouse.



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