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Darius Dziekanowski, Poland,


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Confirmed!!! I saw him on tv lastnight sitting on the team bench. I would love to see him back at Ashton Gate as a first team trainer.

:D U must be joking ;)

I know that he will be always good remembered in Bristol, but... come on! He was a trainer only of Junior teams (U-15) and never trained a professional team. And last but not least: there is only one good coach from Poland - Henryk Kasperczak. Jackie is the last person i wish to see on Cities bench.

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Holy Great Mother of God....

Exception from todays interview with Michal Listkiewicz - chief of Polish Football Ferderation:

Beenhakker came to us to made a good scores and prepare a continuer. And everything is coming in this direction...

- Is this means, that next coach will be Bogusław Kaczmarek (personal record as coach: 2nd place in Polish League with Groclin Grodzisk) , Adam Nawałka (personal record as coach: Champion with Wisla Krakow) albo Dariusz Dziekanowski (personal record as coach: none)?

- Dziekanowski ma największe szanse. Ma świetną piłkarską przeszłość, zna język obcy, bywał na stażach i jest z tej trójki najmłodszy. Ale powtarzam: to Leo zdecyduje, kto mu pomoże w dalszej pracy, kogo wykreuje na swojego następcę.


- Dziekanowski has the best chances. He's got great past as player, he knows foregin language, he was ona practice, and he's the youngest. But anyway: Leo will decide who will help him in his work - who will be his continuer.

What can i say... Polish Football = he knows the language, so he will be the coach :>

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