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The Seven Subs Ruling


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Gary's thoughts here


My first thoughts are will it become more difficult to loan players from the Premier League now? Managers are just going to stick them on the bench, and they won't get games at all, or not many anyway. I know we aren't usually a team who likes to bring in loans, but many teams have prospered on who they got last season, will this all change now?

I'm glad it's not happening at our level, yet. What will come first, our promotion when it will affect us, or will it be adopted by all the league next season? My money is it will be trialled and not liked and will be scrapped!

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The thing I dislike about this is that it's more encouragement for the top few clubs to play dog in the manger and poach all the best young talent from all over the country.

That has a detrimental effect on youth development with runs contrary to the stated intent of this change.

The sooner someone seriously limits the young players any one club can register and puts in place a watertight contract scheme from academy age to 21 the better.

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I doubt it. Its only so good for a player to be on the bench all the time. Once or twice and you get the experience of a match day, after that its sort of pointless if you have no intention of playing them. I doubt it will make any difference on the loan system.

I think it will be adopted by all leagues as the prem managers seem to be pretty pleased they have it.

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I don't mind the 7 sub ruling - England are late in introducing it as it has been in place throughout Europe for some time.

In the lower leagues I would see it as an ideal opportunity of bringing your own youth players into the fold (as Henry suggested above).

The loan market could eventually die - but would that be a truly horrible thing? Loans have only being common place for a couple of decades and recently it's gone crazy - I would certainly attribute Swindon's relegation to Divvy 4 on rubbish loan players (that's not the only reason - we were awful generally).

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Its a stupid idea, how does it really help anyone in any capacity whatsoever??

Agreed that it will just encourage the top team to camp youth players on the bench instead of giving them proper 1st team action week in week out at Championship clubs :innocent06: I bet that £5 Cardiff lad for instance wont even make the bench, PURE GREED!!!! Maybe we'll see him when hes 33 playing for Plymouth

T~his is the craziest idea, if anything it should have been reduced to 3 or maybe 4.

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Its a stupid idea, how does it really help anyone in any capacity whatsoever??

Agreed that it will just encourage the top team to camp youth players on the bench instead of giving them proper 1st team action week in week out at Championship clubs :innocent06: I bet that £5 Cardiff lad for instance wont even make the bench, PURE GREED!!!! Maybe we'll see him when hes 33 playing for Plymouth

T~his is the craziest idea, if anything it should have been reduced to 3 or maybe 4.

It does allow a manager to cover pretty much every position on the field with a replacement in case of injury, also I would imagine a Ribeiro or an Artus would have had a much better chance of being involved by now if this ruling was common place. TBH I was very surprised that Johnson wasn't in favour of it!

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It does allow a manager to cover pretty much every position on the field with a replacement in case of injury, also I would imagine a Ribeiro or an Artus would have had a much better chance of being involved by now if this ruling was common place. TBH I was very surprised that Johnson wasn't in favour of it!

Would that utility players would be needed less? GJ seems to like to get value out of our players in the fact that most of his signings can play in several positions. With such a wide choice from the subs a dedicated position in most cases could be an option.

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It does allow a manager to cover pretty much every position on the field with a replacement in case of injury, also I would imagine a Ribeiro or an Artus would have had a much better chance of being involved by now if this ruling was common place. TBH I was very surprised that Johnson wasn't in favour of it!

Fair enough, but at what expense? I think its shameful to parade nearly an entire 2nd squad on the bench when they could be involved somwhere else playing 90 mins every week, it would be much more interesting if it was kept the same, i wonder who called for this anyways? Do team have to put out all 7 subs or can you pick 5?

What a waste of time and players :disapointed2se: What imbeciles suggest and pass these rules? Ohhh let me hazzard a guess... Sir Alex and fleet of greedy financial driven single minded foreign owners!! just so they can keep their obscene and overstocked mass of players happy :ranting: , i know... how about stop being ***** greedy clubs and let clubs like us and others compete!??!

How is this good for the players rotting on the bench, i just don't see it, FA balls up again, they're all limp cowards, so are the Premier League, money driven meglomanics who will KILL the English game.... they can all piss off !

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Fair enough, but at what expense? I think its shameful to parade nearly an entire 2nd squad on the bench when they could be involved somwhere else playing 90 mins every week, it would be much more interesting if it was kept the same, i wonder who called for this anyways? Do team have to put out all 7 subs or can you pick 5?

What a waste of time and players :disapointed2se: What imbeciles suggest and pass these rules? Ohhh let me hazzard a guess... Sir Alex and fleet of greedy financial driven single minded foreign owners!! just so they can keep their obscene and overstocked mass of players happy :ranting: , i know... how about stop being ***** greedy clubs and let clubs like us and others compete!??!

How is this good for the players rotting on the bench, i just don't see it, FA balls up again, they're all limp cowards, so are the Premier League, money driven meglomanics who will KILL the English game.... they can all piss off !

As others have said; it's been in place across many European leagues for a number of years now and they seem to cope ok. The transfer market still keeps moving as - if anything - it makes clubs take more chances on younger, lower-league players and therefore players are able to rise quicker through exposure.

Even though we've used the least players last season, if we'd been allowed to have 7 on the bench it just gives you more options and allows you to use greater managerial skill to affect games. Rather than simply replace the injured midfielder with your one-midfielder-on-the-bench you've choice to alter your tactical approach based on a larger pool of talent.

And the "they should want to play elsewhere rather than sit and pick up the money from the bench" argument is b***ocks. If a player wants to take the money without playing then - quite simply - he will. There are players at clubs in the Premier League now (and over the last 2/3 years) who've simply taken the money for being a squad player and not being involved in the team. If a player truely wants to get out and play some first-team football for his development he'll kick-off about it and request a loan move.

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