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What The Hell Is Going On?


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just got back from 2 weeks driving around the west coast of USA and have had the disaster of my phone packing up so no internet access at all for a fortnight and no text messages of any news and the last I'd heard we were flogging Carle? obviously nothing seems to have happened?

Seen today we have signed another Yeovil old boy in Williams, who personally think is a decent signing, even if he is another central midfielder, I haven't looked at the Carle essays yet but it seems odd.

only other thing I've seen is City being linked with an Egyptian forward from a text from a mate?

have I pretty much summed up everything or is there anything I've missed

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We just signed Gavin Williams from Ipswich

Carle passed medical, off to Pale Arse and Colin W*nker :noexpression:

We are trying to sign various strikers, Gomaa, Meteb (see the thread)

Not missed much really, Carle leaving has upset a few bods, but faith remains totally in GJ imo.

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Carle has not left yet; speculation is rife at this time of year; anything from Basso to Trundle; read the off site for news or stay here for guesses and sources from friends at the pub to someone at the gate. :tumbleweed:

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In other news we beat Baadiff Swampsea and R*vers in the masters tournament on Sunday and were crowned champions.

South West Area through to finals :winner_third_h4h:

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In other news we beat Baadiff Swampsea and R*vers in the masters tournament on Sunday and were crowned champions.


I'm guessing there must be a news story on the website somewhere!

I'm guessing that means we are through to the Prem Masters then

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just got back from 2 weeks driving around the west coast of USA and have had the disaster of my phone packing up so no internet access at all for a fortnight and no text messages of any news and the last I'd heard we were flogging Carle? obviously nothing seems to have happened?

Seen today we have signed another Yeovil old boy in Williams, who personally think is a decent signing, even if he is another central midfielder, I haven't looked at the Carle essays yet but it seems odd.

only other thing I've seen is City being linked with an Egyptian forward from a text from a mate?

have I pretty much summed up everything or is there anything I've missed

Nothing in particular. We are just trying to kill off internet with a few posts :whistle2:

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I'm guessing there must be a news story on the website somewhere!

I'm guessing that means we are through to the Prem Masters then

Yep Sept 7th. Beat Rovers 4-0 along the way as well. In the final beat Baaaardiff thanks to a cheeky touch from Sean McCarthy with 60 secs to go....could it be sweeter !!?

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