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Hi From A Donny Fan ..


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Hi Guys ,been a couple of seasons since I posted on here -A quick well done on your excellent CCC gameplan , & hardluck on the playoffs against Hull !

As you know Michael Mc Indoe has been a favourite wherever he has gone (Luton, Hereford, Yeovil ,Donny , Barnsley - I'll not mention Wolves) suffice to say a large part of that was when he was with us . Always gives 100% and if he had a "right foot" would have been plying his trade in the Premier League a long long time ago (no disrespect meant) -Even with what he has, is still a hell of a player -and I like many would rip your arm off for him back !!

Anyway...Whilst that shi8te they call bigbrother is on , I was trolling through my archives and happened upon this old classsic (when we got promoted from league 2 -league 1 ) in 2004 , Mc Indoe was very much in evidence , as was a certain Mr Lawrence (Liam Lawrence) and our very own Paul Green ,who recently departed to Derby .

Even then MACCA was class -


see you later guys .

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quality quality player IMO - I have seen him run rings around Villa /man city /arsenal players in recent years (obviously in cup runs) but is a joy to watch & you just know he oozes 100% commitment !!

some of the Premier League players on double/treble his wages could learn a thing or two when it comes to effort .

If you do take the time to watch that youtube clip -Liam Lawrence back then was another that "shone" and went on to better things (mansfield player with blond hair causing us problems in midfield) -and young paul Green that has came up with us from conference days and has departed for Derby - little blonde kid upfront for us .

Thanks for the goodwishes and look forward to our encounters at the KM/AG - Hopefully Macca gets a welcome fitting of the effort he put in for us !

A top player. Something we had missed for a good few years. As you say, always give 100%. And just signed a new contract.

Good luck in your upcoming season. From what i saw of you last year, you should be fine. Enjoyed my last visit to the Keepmoat.

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Hi Guys ,been a couple of seasons since I posted on here -A quick well done on your excellent CCC gameplan , & hardluck on the playoffs against Hull !

As you know Michael Mc Indoe has been a favourite wherever he has gone (Luton, Hereford, Yeovil ,Donny , Barnsley - I'll not mention Wolves) suffice to say a large part of that was when he was with us . Always gives 100% and if he had a "right foot" would have been plying his trade in the Premier League a long long time ago (no disrespect meant) -Even with what he has, is still a hell of a player -and I like many would rip your arm off for him back !!

Anyway...Whilst that shi8te they call bigbrother is on , I was trolling through my archives and happened upon this old classsic (when we got promoted from league 2 -league 1 ) in 2004 , Mc Indoe was very much in evidence , as was a certain Mr Lawrence (Liam Lawrence) and our very own Paul Green ,who recently departed to Derby .

Even then MACCA was class -


see you later guys .

McIndoe is a great player. Hopefully he will play in central midfield next year. Did he ever play there for you?

Watched you guys beat Northampton 1-0 on the 30th of January 2004. Can't remember if McIndoe scored though.

Bellevue was nice.



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always on the left wing for us...although he tracked back with enormous effort -Dave penny would also swap him and coppinger at times -mainly half time ;) (left winger for right winger) and as both were equally as gifted could skin players at will , it caused great confusion for the opposistion !

There was alot of HOOF ball ,remember this was in league 2 -and Mansfield were sh*T scared of playing football against us - as were most of the division - We tried to play it right under Dave penny (credit to him) and O Driscoll has taken it a step further !

Always play from the back -and all our players are able /adept on the ball - upfront is were we are likely to struggle at this moment in time , although it is early days on the signing front ..

bye for now lads .

They beat Leeds remember. What an attitude!!
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It will be interesting to see the Heff at this level, he was unlucky at City to be honest.When Tinnion signed him, no-one could have predicted that Lita would start scoring for fun and cement himself into the first team alondgside Brooker.

Let's hope he stops picking fights with centre-halves twice his size though!!

I hope Donny do well, because you played some cracking football in League One last season.

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McIndoe is a great player. Hopefully he will play in central midfield next year. Did he ever play there for you?

Watched you guys beat Northampton 1-0 on the 30th of January 2004. Can't remember if McIndoe scored though.

Bellevue was nice.




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As much as I rate McIndoe he is not a left winger. He can't make his man and cross from the touchline like a winger. He is good runner with the ball and is all over the park, a central midfileder to me.

Our wing play last year, left and right was poor although Orr did alright. McAllister are constantly trying Nayims from the half way line.

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McIndoe is a great player. Hopefully he will play in central midfield next year. Did he ever play there for you?

Watched you guys beat Northampton 1-0 on the 30th of January 2004. Can't remember if McIndoe scored though.

Bellevue was nice.



Central midfield? What have you been watching? He's the left winger we've been craving for years! Far too lightweight for centre mid.

If he had an extra yard of pace, he'd undoubtedly be plying is trade in the Prem. One of our players of the years down the left side last year.

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