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Quite Simple Aint It.........

Dolman Block B

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I don't know about you lot but i really did not want NC to leave.

Must admit feel quite down about it. I really hope GJ brings a couple of top notch players to the club (sorry Gavin Williams, no dig but i aint runnng up and down the street naked with your signing)

A first class striker will get us away from the Nick Carle thread.

Anyway, I'm confident that in July that WILL happen and get us all buzzing again :fingerscrossed:

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I don't know about you lot but i really did not want NC to leave.

Must admit feel quite down about it. I really hope GJ brings a couple of top notch players to the club (sorry Gavin Williams, no dig but i aint runnng up and down the street naked with your signing)

A first class striker will get us away from the Nick Carle thread.

Anyway, I'm confident that in July that WILL happen and get us all buzzing again :fingerscrossed:

Arny, give the bloke a chance before we condemn him out of hand. Marvin Elliott was no "dancing naked in the street" signing either but he didn't turn out too bad. It sound to me that if Williams stays fit then we have a good player on our hands.

NC has fantastic ability and quality, I'll give you that. But he didn't show it ENOUGH last season and there were NO GUARANTEES he will show it enough this season either to be honest. I like to see creative midfield players influence a game with goals and assists rather than show fantastic touch, vision and skill without real end product in a 2-1 defeat. Hopefully Gavin Williams will bring this to the table.

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Must admit feel quite down about it. I really hope GJ brings a couple of top notch players to the club (sorry Gavin Williams, no dig but i aint runnng up and down the street naked with your signing)

Is that a top notch signing using your criteria, GJ's criteria, mine or someone else's? I'm sure they will all be different!

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Come we are BRISTOL CITY...........

No more negitives............

We are on a crest of the wave.....

AUG 9TH 2008.......... :fingerscrossed:

I will drink to that...and another one and another one and yet another and........hic....


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I don't know about you lot but i really did not want NC to leave.

Must admit feel quite down about it. I really hope GJ brings a couple of top notch players to the club (sorry Gavin Williams, no dig but i aint runnng up and down the street naked with your signing)

A first class striker will get us away from the Nick Carle thread.

Anyway, I'm confident that in July that WILL happen and get us all buzzing again :fingerscrossed:

I did to start with Arn, then I thought that maybe Carle didnt fit into the GJ masterplan to get us promoted this coming season. He wouldnt have been sold if he was wanted at City... I have given up reading the Nick Carle thread, old news and he will soon be forgotten. Best of luck to him, seemed a nice bloke but it wasnt meant to be for him at City.

We are nearly in July, and I reckon GJ and SL may surprise us with a couple of big signings before the season kicks off.

I cant wait for it to all start again, Forza Eastend again for me and Mrs Williton!!!!! :winner_third_h4h:

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