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Has He Gone Yet?


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No, not Carle,

Stockhausen, probably the worst local sports writer

in the world, ever!

Probably not, actually. over the last week or so, the EP has been a far better source of transfer news for City fans than the club's own website, with its Pravda-esque news-speak about how marvellous Bon Jovi were and who wants to be the new Scrumpy the robin.


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Probably not, actually. over the last week or so, the EP has been a far better source of transfer news for City fans than the club's own website, with its Pravda-esque news-speak about how marvellous Bon Jovi were and who wants to be the new Scrumpy the robin.


Bit harsh on BCFC that, As you are well aware GJ and SL have never been any different in not announcing deals until they are signed and delivered and when everything is right and BOTH clubs involved agree then an announcement is made. It is a journalists job to sell papers and this is why they have rumours and that is what they are until we here officially on our award winning website.

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Bit harsh on BCFC that, As you are well aware GJ and SL have never been any different in not announcing deals until they are signed and delivered and when everything is right and BOTH clubs involved agree then an announcement is made. It is a journalists job to sell papers and this is why they have rumours and that is what they are until we here officially on our award winning website.

Maybe was a bit harsh - I'm just fed up with wannabees on here who have never worked in the media constantly slagging off members of the local press/radio. (and before you ask, I do work in the media and have done so for the last 23 years)

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Guest pepsi&shirley
Maybe was a bit harsh - I'm just fed up with wannabees on here who have never worked in the media constantly slagging off members of the local press/radio. (and before you ask, I do work in the media and have done so for the last 23 years)

You seem to have a lot of anger and resentment built up inside you well_red! Is your job in the media an uphill paper round? :tumbleweed:

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Guest shane
Maybe was a bit harsh - I'm just fed up with wannabees on here who have never worked in the media constantly slagging off members of the local press/radio. (and before you ask, I do work in the media and have done so for the last 23 years)

Stockhausen is a shit stirring horrible man, yes I know him, yes he knows I think he's a #### and yes he crosses the road away from me. Wannabe ? don't make me laugh, who would want to be him.?

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As I keep saying, those who have a problem with the man, pop into the Stag on any given evening and have a chat with him.

Used to speak to him often in there and he's more than happy to argue his case contructively, even if its a load of shit...

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