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Tyson Rejects New Contract


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What I expect has happened is that we haven't offered him much of a wage increase or more than a 2 year deal due concerns about his injury problems and he has rejected it. I cant see how we can keep him on for a season and lose him to free agency like we did Commons, a bid around the £1m-1.2m mark should get him.

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What I expect has happened is that we haven't offered him much of a wage increase or more than a 2 year deal due concerns about his injury problems and he has rejected it. I cant see how we can keep him on for a season and lose him to free agency like we did Commons, a bid around the £1m-1.2m mark should get him.

You must be joking at that price! I wouldn't spend £50 on a plate that has a load of cracks in it, if you get my drift. To pay that would be sheer lunacy.

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It'll probably take that amount judging from other transfers of strikers in this division, but then again he only has 12 months left on his contract and could go for nowt after that so a face saving undisclosed may do it.

I think 600-800k now..or..we'll get him in jan.

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You must be joking at that price! I wouldn't spend £50 on a plate that has a load of cracks in it, if you get my drift. To pay that would be sheer lunacy.

We've already rejected a £750k bid though and by all accounts the club want to keep hold of him because if he went we'd have Earnshaw and nobody else up front. I agree with you that he isnt worth that amount of money but I suspect that is what you will have to come up with.

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We've already rejected a £750k bid though and by all accounts the club want to keep hold of him because if he went we'd have Earnshaw and nobody else up front. I agree with you that he isnt worth that amount of money but I suspect that is what you will have to come up with.

Well I seriously hope we don't come up with an offer then. Be a shocking piece of business for us when there's far better options out there.

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Who, Who?

Where i woudn't be to dissapointd with tyson, if we do go over a million for him i agree with tin that theres better players out there for around the 1 million asking range.... Maynard would be one i would seriously look at no offers and there willing to sell, good propsect and a good scorer which we're lacking also younger then tyson. I'd also look at porter from moterwell and would of looked at mccormack but he's gone cardiff

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I don' t know about signing a striker being a priority.

What with "sicknote" Brooker, Williams already having joined and Tyson possibly in the wings, with their respective injury backgrounds I think we might well need another physio.

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Where i woudn't be to dissapointd with tyson, if we do go over a million for him i agree with tin that theres better players out there for around the 1 million asking range.... Maynard would be one i would seriously look at no offers and there willing to sell, good propsect and a good scorer which we're lacking also younger then tyson. I'd also look at porter from moterwell and would of looked at mccormack but he's gone cardiff

Are you serious? hes absolutley terrible. I'd cry if city signed him

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Why - We paid a Million for Trundle?

And what did he do exactly? Trundle came with proven pedigree but no experience at this level and advancing years. As much I love Trunds the bottom line is he cost us £200k per goal last season which ultimately isn't good enough.

As I've said on previous posts on other threads, I fail to understand why we would be in for a player given his injury record (26 appearances last season), the fact he has no experience at this level and also the fact he only found the net 9 times last season doesn't exactly fill me with confidence either.

Sorry but that's just my opinion and for the £1m-£1.2m price quoted by 'FFL' on this thread, I think that would be another huge waste of money.

The next striker we get in needs to be right given GJ's tried 30+ players up front in his time here, spending over £2m in the process and yet we're still here having a striker debate. It's the only blemish on an otherwise impecible record in his time here IMHO which is why I'm anxious to see we're getting the right man in this time.

That's the last thing I'll say on Tyson as it's been done to death.

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And what did he do exactly? Trundle came with proven pedigree but no experience at this level and advancing years. As much I love Trunds the bottom line is he cost us £200k per goal last season which ultimately isn't good enough.

As I've said on previous posts on other threads, I fail to understand why we would be in for a player given his injury record (26 appearances last season), the fact he has no experience at this level and also the fact he only found the net 9 times last season doesn't exactly fill me with confidence either.

Sorry but that's just my opinion and for the £1m-£1.2m price quoted by 'FFL' on this thread, I think that would be another huge waste of money.

The next striker we get in needs to be right given GJ's tried 30+ players up front in his time here, spending over £2m in the process and yet we're still here having a striker debate. It's the only blemish on an otherwise impecible record in his time here IMHO which is why I'm anxious to see we're getting the right man in this time.

That's the last thing I'll say on Tyson as it's been done to death.

Thats exactly my point.

We wasted 1 Million on Trundle last season - lets not do the same this year.

Its all about return on investment and quite frankly goals are the 'return'!

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I don't see why we would want to spend anywhere near 1.2 mill on him. Good player but no more, espically with his injury record, whilst with his contract being out in 12 months Notts wont want to lose him for nout in 12 months. A bid of 800k should be what we should offer, and if that aint enough then I think we should move on and look for someone else.

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