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Hi all,

I've created a Bristol City blog to start writing up reports, match reviews and previews as experience in journalism.

I have only just started the blog but I put up a quick report on the Meteb Saga and I will hopefully be adding numerous write-ups daily onto the site.

I have put a poll onto the site, which will change twice a week, and you can comment on any story.

The site is- www.bcfctimes.blogspot.com - I am hoping soon to buy my own domain.

I hope this is all okay with the Mods and all comments are welcome. I will also post up links to new pieces on the relevant threads when I write.

Hope this is okay.

Cheers, bcfctimes.

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Enjoy doing the blog, but don't forget the law of copyright (e.g. as regards your current pic).

I wouldn't worry about copy right unless someone asks for you to take it down. Most people normally laugh at it. Look at a website called the piratebay and how they have dogged copyright laws over the past 5 years :P

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