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Murray And Weale Sign 1 Year Deals


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Glad to see Scott and Chris' contracts extended, however on the 3 players issue, It'd be clear that two of the offers are for Met3b and Tyson(two strikers), however the third offer tends to excite the mind slightly more is it a defender or midfielder (can't see it being a keeper with Weale renewing)

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Brooker! :fingerscrossed:

God, I really badly want to see him do a full season in the Championship with us, he deserves it.

If we are talking about a 20 goal a season striker we need badly, i think a fit Brooker could do the job, how is Brookers fitness btw, anyone know recent news?

No need to sign anymore strikers, well maybe one Egyptian one :icecream:


Ohh hang about, are we talking offers for NEW strikers, or existing ones?

anyways, Brooker gets my vote.

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yes think we should off he has passion and still has a fair amount off pace and his goal against QPR first game off the season was the best ive seen at the gate in a while class act class man true professional great example for any other player comeing thro the club LONG LIVE SCOTT MURRAY

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