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Blackpool Tickets

Andy Horsman

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We seem to be inundated on OTIB with posters who have an inside connection at AG, so any idea chaps/ladies, when the Blackpool tickets go on sale?!

Will this be offered to season ticket fans first? I remember seeing a post saying it wouldn't sell out with an away allocation of 2900? which I would of thought it would of being first game of season and in a seaside town in August ... could be if we/when we start making some decent signings.

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The current situation as it stands is we will be paying

TWENTY EIGHT POUNDS for our adult tickets

my ticket from last season says 17:50p

for a tempory seating area with no roof

who remembers the lashing rain at the ground last year?

Blackpool have a 20 pound membership sceme for home fans only

which gets them a reduction of five pounds on a

TWENTY EIGHT POUND ticket making it 23 pounds if bought in advance

now I don't need a membership card

all I want, and you do, is a ticket sold in advance

of 23 pounds

So get e-mailing the football league and

contact Blackpool footballclub saying you ain't happy

Just remember the four pounders from the PNE game last year

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The current situation as it stands is we will be paying

TWENTY EIGHT POUNDS for our adult tickets

my ticket from last season says 17:50p

for a tempory seating area with no roof

who remembers the lashing rain at the ground last year?

Blackpool have a 20 pound membership sceme for home fans only

which gets them a reduction of five pounds on a

TWENTY EIGHT POUND ticket making it 23 pounds if bought in advance

now I don't need a membership card

all I want, and you do, is a ticket sold in advance

of 23 pounds

So get e-mailing the football league and

contact Blackpool footballclub saying you ain't happy

Just remember the four pounders from the PNE game last year

In fairness to Blackpool they haven't confirmed how much they are charging away fans yet have they?

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