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Another Missed Striker

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We clearly don't have the resource to compete on a decent scale in the championship, Its become obvious that we are fighting over payment of £1.5m for the lad from Eygpt despite picking up £1m for Carle. I really get the feeling this is holding everything up. GJ wont be chasing another player unitil this deal is dead or done. In the meantime i bet we are missing out on other players who would have been second or third choice. I get the feeling this deal will never be done. I hate to say it but i think its all eggs in one basket, we should have spread the risk.

In the meantime we have lost out on another player - Bent to Cardiff. It's starting to hurt a wee bit. Phillips - Brum. Eastwood to Cov, the list goes on.

However, despite the rant! I have read GJ comments about giving time and i agree that i should trust him and give him time. But if in 2 weeks I'm not chanting the name of a new hero i think serious questions need to be asked.

Agreed? or do we still have the blind faithful chanting "i believe" regardless of how little the club are willing to invest?

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I don't think you are looking at this from the right angle.

GJ knows he has as much money as he wants to get the players he is looking for. Its not a question of cash at all, it's about the right players with the correct ability and attitude.

The fact that Cardiff have signed Bent means nothing to us. Looking at the players signed by other teams is meaningless. If it came down to the reputation of who you signed then we should have gone down last year. We didn't and unlike many who overspent on fees and wages building squads of expensive 'Big' reputation players we got within a match of the biggest league in the world.

The same sort of stuff was posted this time last year and we ended up in the playoffs. We've not finished shopping and a lot of the fustration being shown on here is down to our (correct) policy of not revealing things too early.

I'm not mindlessly saying "I Believe" but I do have a little more respect for Johnson and his team than to question his recruitment policy at this stage (and it is definaly not and issue of finance, that I firmly "believe").

GJ should have earnt a little bit of patience via his record and I for one am fully willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

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We clearly don't have the resource to compete on a decent scale in the championship, Its become obvious that we are fighting over payment of £1.5m for the lad from Eygpt despite picking up £1m for Carle. I really get the feeling this is holding everything up. GJ wont be chasing another player unitil this deal is dead or done. In the meantime i bet we are missing out on other players who would have been second or third choice. I get the feeling this deal will never be done. I hate to say it but i think its all eggs in one basket, we should have spread the risk.

In the meantime we have lost out on another player - Bent to Cardiff. It's starting to hurt a wee bit. Phillips - Brum. Eastwood to Cov, the list goes on.

However, despite the rant! I have read GJ comments about giving time and i agree that i should trust him and give him time. But if in 2 weeks I'm not chanting the name of a new hero i think serious questions need to be asked.

Agreed? or do we still have the blind faithful chanting "i believe" regardless of how little the club are willing to invest?

Were we in the running for Bent? I very much doubt it, and GJ wasnt interested in Eastwood too so we havent lost out on anybody yet.

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We clearly don't have the resource to compete on a decent scale in the championship, Its become obvious that we are fighting over payment of £1.5m for the lad from Eygpt despite picking up £1m for Carle. I really get the feeling this is holding everything up. GJ wont be chasing another player unitil this deal is dead or done. In the meantime i bet we are missing out on other players who would have been second or third choice. I get the feeling this deal will never be done. I hate to say it but i think its all eggs in one basket, we should have spread the risk.

In the meantime we have lost out on another player - Bent to Cardiff. It's starting to hurt a wee bit. Phillips - Brum. Eastwood to Cov, the list goes on.

However, despite the rant! I have read GJ comments about giving time and i agree that i should trust him and give him time. But if in 2 weeks I'm not chanting the name of a new hero i think serious questions need to be asked.

Agreed? or do we still have the blind faithful chanting "i believe" regardless of how little the club are willing to invest?

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We clearly don't have the resource to compete on a decent scale in the championship, Its become obvious that we are fighting over payment of £1.5m for the lad from Eygpt despite picking up £1m for Carle. I really get the feeling this is holding everything up. GJ wont be chasing another player unitil this deal is dead or done. In the meantime i bet we are missing out on other players who would have been second or third choice. I get the feeling this deal will never be done. I hate to say it but i think its all eggs in one basket, we should have spread the risk.

In the meantime we have lost out on another player - Bent to Cardiff. It's starting to hurt a wee bit. Phillips - Brum. Eastwood to Cov, the list goes on.

However, despite the rant! I have read GJ comments about giving time and i agree that i should trust him and give him time. But if in 2 weeks I'm not chanting the name of a new hero i think serious questions need to be asked.

Agreed? or do we still have the blind faithful chanting "i believe" regardless of how little the club are willing to invest?

Your premise that the reason we haven't signed anyone yet is due to lack of funds is fundamentally flawed as demonstrated by the investment of the best part of £4m last season and by two firm offers this summer totalling near £3m.

I find it hard to believe that you can be anything other than a Gas troll given the complete lack of faith you show in SL's willingness to invest in the face of massive evidence to the contrary.

I'm certain that there will be two new strikers at Ashton Gate by the end of August, and that isn't blind faith at all it's a simple judgement based on the track record of the people at our football club. The only one around here with blind faith is you in your own doomsday predictions.

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We clearly don't have the resource to compete on a decent scale in the championship, Its become obvious that we are fighting over payment of £1.5m for the lad from Eygpt despite picking up £1m for Carle. I really get the feeling this is holding everything up. GJ wont be chasing another player unitil this deal is dead or done. In the meantime i bet we are missing out on other players who would have been second or third choice. I get the feeling this deal will never be done. I hate to say it but i think its all eggs in one basket, we should have spread the risk.

In the meantime we have lost out on another player - Bent to Cardiff. It's starting to hurt a wee bit. Phillips - Brum. Eastwood to Cov, the list goes on.

However, despite the rant! I have read GJ comments about giving time and i agree that i should trust him and give him time. But if in 2 weeks I'm not chanting the name of a new hero i think serious questions need to be asked.

Agreed? or do we still have the blind faithful chanting "i believe" regardless of how little the club are willing to invest?

1. There is no evidence we don't have the resources. Just because we haven't spent it yet does not mean we don't have it. Steve has made it clear he will back Gary's judgement.

2. We are not fighting over how much we pay for Meteb. The fee was agreed then there were some negotiations over how it would be paid, now apparently resolved.

3. The Meteb deal is not holding anything else up. Our eggs are not all in one basket. We know other bids have been made and we are negotiating for players. Gary is clear he wants two strikers, having released two.

4. Not bothered about Bent. He is suited to a long ball game (the way he was used at Wigan on loan - and they didn't want him permanently) and his record is not exactly prolific.

5. Never any chance of Phillips. Brum will be paying Premier League wages. He was after a two year deal on big money and the fact he was prepared to give up the chance to play in the Prem again says a lot about his priorities.

6. Gary made it clear he was not interested in Eastwood weeks ago. Given he could not get into a Wolves side that struggled as much as us to score goals makes that hardly surprising. I can't be bothered to track down the link and post it yet again!

That is the situation as I see it. Whether that amounts to blind faith I don't know.

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I don't think you are looking at this from the right angle.

GJ knows he has as much money as he wants to get the players he is looking for. Its not a question of cash at all, it's about the right players with the correct ability and attitude.

The fact that Cardiff have signed Bent means nothing to us. Looking at the players signed by other teams is meaningless. If it came down to the reputation of who you signed then we should have gone down last year. We didn't and unlike many who overspent on fees and wages building squads of expensive 'Big' reputation players we got within a match of the biggest league in the world.

The same sort of stuff was posted this time last year and we ended up in the playoffs. We've not finished shopping and a lot of the fustration being shown on here is down to our (correct) policy of not revealing things too early.

I'm not mindlessly saying "I Believe" but I do have a little more respect for Johnson and his team than to question his recruitment policy at this stage (and it is definaly not and issue of finance, that I firmly "believe").

GJ should have earnt a little bit of patience via his record and I for one am fully willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I would love to agree regarding the finance, but i don't. We clearly don't have the cash to splash. Otherwise why would be be fighting for a month over a fee that hasnt changed? just the terms?

Also, look at the average cost of signings in the championship compared to ours. We havent stepped up to the mark in my eyes. I remember people saying on here we should sign Ben Watson, and Leroy. That all seems such a long way off.

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I would love to agree regarding the finance, but i don't. We clearly don't have the cash to splash. Otherwise why would be be fighting for a month over a fee that hasnt changed? just the terms?

Ever tried to do a deal in the Arab world?

The amount of haggling we've seen so far is trivial compared to how most of them go off.

It took a large UK company I worked for two years to negotiate a sale in the Lebanon despite the fact that the customer lost out several times as much revenue as the deal was worth as a result of the delays.

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I suggest that GJ no longer bothers to have any scouting and long term plans to determine his priority transfer targets. Instead he should encourage forum posters to put forward their suggestions for transfer targets. A list is complied and forum posters then vote their favourites from the list.

In the case of strikers, GJ then goes out and signs the top 2 who receive the most votes. Job done, and a lot of posters are very happy...... until we head for league 1 football again!

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I would love to agree regarding the finance, but i don't. We clearly don't have the cash to splash. Otherwise why would be be fighting for a month over a fee that hasnt changed? just the terms?

Also, look at the average cost of signings in the championship compared to ours. We havent stepped up to the mark in my eyes. I remember people saying on here we should sign Ben Watson, and Leroy. That all seems such a long way off.

Two things;

Unless you are Steve Lansdown's accountant or work the money at City you have no better idea than anyone about the money GJ has at his disposal. And for the record we don't really know what is going on with the Egyptian's transfer except what we read in the press from over there (regurgitated by the rumur mill over here) so I find it had to draw any evidence from that RE our finances.

Plus that would be a record fee if it goes through and if by spending the right amount of time over the issue we've saved a few bob even better!

And, again, if you judge a division on what a few teams are spending then why are Leeds in league one right now and not Premierleague title holders?

As for the "stepped up to the mark" comment; what mark? We finished 4th last year and lost in the play off final; we ARE the mark!

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I would love to agree regarding the finance, but i don't. We clearly don't have the cash to splash. Otherwise why would be be fighting for a month over a fee that hasnt changed? just the terms?

Also, look at the average cost of signings in the championship compared to ours. We havent stepped up to the mark in my eyes. I remember people saying on here we should sign Ben Watson, and Leroy. That all seems such a long way off.

Watson was never coming here, not in a month of Sunday's. Just because people say it on here doesn't make it do-able. Lita turned us down in Jan and would only come back if we went up, doesn't say too much about his attitude.

As for Bent, do me a favour! If Cardiff have spent big money on him then more fool them.

The transfer market is barely moving right now, plenty of time to get the people in that GJ wants, not who this forum want!

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Ever tried to do a deal in the Arab world?

The amount of haggling we've seen so far is trivial compared to how most of them go off.

It took a large UK company I worked for two years to negotiate a sale in the Lebanon despite the fact that the customer lost out several times as much revenue as the deal was worth as a result of the delays.

This is so true.

Someone i know worked in egypt for a number of years with his own company and said it is a totally different way of doing business. He told me he'd be banging his head against a wall thinking he was going nowhere for months, then all of a sudden it would all get sorted as if by "magic". His words.

It is frustrating, but if the manager had shown an interest in the players mentioned above it could be worrying, but as he hasn't then we haven't actually missed out on anyone...... yet!!!

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I would love to agree regarding the finance, but i don't. We clearly don't have the cash to splash. Otherwise why would be be fighting for a month over a fee that hasnt changed? just the terms?

Also, look at the average cost of signings in the championship compared to ours. We havent stepped up to the mark in my eyes. I remember people saying on here we should sign Ben Watson, and Leroy. That all seems such a long way off.

You seem to take a macho view of football finance. You measure the quality of a club by how much it spends? Bit of a mystery then that Leicester will be playing at the Mem next season. The particularly active clubs seem to be Wolves (allegedly Mick has been given £30m though don't trust him not to waste it; note also that that leads to Peterborough demanding £5m for a player who has never played above League 2) , Cardiff (spending money raised from selling the family jewells despite a debt of £35m and paying Ridsdale £1m ), Derby (building a team from scratch and gambling with parachute payments Jewell said last season had already been spent when he got there) and to some extent Forest (two aging strikers looking for a boost to their pension funds). Watford are in trouble it seems, Pardew has been told he cannot spend unless he sells, having blown a fortune on failures, Stoke have yet to sign anybody for the Prem, Coventry shell out £1.5m despite losing £80k a week, QPR have a fortune but are not yet splashing the cash to any great degree (just as well with Dowie in charge) and so on. I may have missed some but you get my point.

There was never any way Lita would join us unless we got promoted ) I would guess), though it is still possible I suppose if Coppell is desparate to get shot of him and no Prem clubs come in with the reported £4m fee. As to Watson, just because someone on here says we should sign him doesn't mean it was ever likely. QPR remain favourites it seems but may be put off by the reported £4m for him also. In any event he is reported as having said he wants to stay in London.

Fortunately Gary doesn't just particular sign players because fans' forums say he should, unlike some of those mentioned above.

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We clearly don't have the resource to compete on a decent scale in the championship, Its become obvious that we are fighting over payment of £1.5m for the lad from Eygpt despite picking up £1m for Carle. I really get the feeling this is holding everything up. GJ wont be chasing another player unitil this deal is dead or done. In the meantime i bet we are missing out on other players who would have been second or third choice. I get the feeling this deal will never be done. I hate to say it but i think its all eggs in one basket, we should have spread the risk.

In the meantime we have lost out on another player - Bent to Cardiff. It's starting to hurt a wee bit. Phillips - Brum. Eastwood to Cov, the list goes on.

However, despite the rant! I have read GJ comments about giving time and i agree that i should trust him and give him time. But if in 2 weeks I'm not chanting the name of a new hero i think serious questions need to be asked.

Agreed? or do we still have the blind faithful chanting "i believe" regardless of how little the club are willing to invest?


Sometimes you just despair at your fellow "supporter"

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I am amazed that you all seem so happy with whats going on, and we all trust regardless.

Credit to everyone with faith. I am lacking it seems.

But i do love the club, i just think this total lack of transfers and postiive mood around the place will hurt us. As i have said before i think its 12th this season. And that matches the ambition of the club at present.

I am sure it could all change in the blink of an eye, two new super forwards and were in business! But i just cant see it happening at present.

Please don't be too harsh! I'm just speaking my mind and worried that last year was a fluke! I want another great season, and seeing us going on another amazing run. I am just fearful.

Apologies if that comes accross as negative.

And, as for the " he must be a troll" grow up. I can type, and read! surely that's proof already I follow the only team in Bristol

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I am amazed that you all seem so happy with whats going on, and we all trust regardless.

Credit to everyone with faith. I am lacking it seems.

But i do love the club, i just think this total lack of transfers and postiive mood around the place will hurt us. As i have said before i think its 12th this season. And that matches the ambition of the club at present.

I am sure it could all change in the blink of an eye, two new super forwards and were in business! But i just cant see it happening at present.

Please don't be too harsh! I'm just speaking my mind and worried that last year was a fluke! I want another great season, and seeing us going on another amazing run. I am just fearful.

Apologies if that comes accross as negative.

And, as for the " he must be a troll" grow up. I can type, and read! surely that's proof already I follow the only team in Bristol

I can understand your anxiety and do not doubt your love of the club. In fact if you didn't care you wouldn't get so anxious! Nor do I subscribe to name calling because someone has a different opinion to me. I'd love some news myself but unlike other clubs we don't leak everything to the press just to impress people so it can look as though we are doing nothing. BTW I just don't think you get 46 game flukes and think we are better placed to build on last season on a sustainable basis, again unlike some clubs taking huge risks. Nor do I accept the usual Colchester comparison. They really didn't have the capacity to retain and recruit players; I believe we do. Gary talks a lot about loyalty to his players but that has never stopped him from continually enhancing the squad. Hang in there!

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i admire you for speaking your mind.i'm getting impatient too.which is only

natural.if the meteb deal falls through our attacking options look limited

to say the least. a couple of signings are all thats needed to propel me into

a positive mood.

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i admire you for speaking your mind.i'm getting impatient too.which is only

natural.if the meteb deal falls through our attacking options look limited

to say the least. a couple of signings are all thats needed to propel me into

a positive mood.

Get the party gear out now then

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I am amazed that you all seem so happy with whats going on, and we all trust regardless.

Credit to everyone with faith. I am lacking it seems.

But i do love the club, i just think this total lack of transfers and postiive mood around the place will hurt us. As i have said before i think its 12th this season. And that matches the ambition of the club at present.

I am sure it could all change in the blink of an eye, two new super forwards and were in business! But i just cant see it happening at present.

Please don't be too harsh! I'm just speaking my mind and worried that last year was a fluke! I want another great season, and seeing us going on another amazing run. I am just fearful.

Apologies if that comes accross as negative.

And, as for the " he must be a troll" grow up. I can type, and read! surely that's proof already I follow the only team in Bristol

You're entitled to have your say like everyone else but for me you seem to missing something.

I'm sure Johnson along with the rest of us would of loved to of brought in the faces he wanted the week after the play-off loss to Hull, but in reality it's not that simple, signing new players is tedious and hard work with so many people too keep happy,I know it sounds shite but patience really is the name of the game with transfers.

This Meteb deal will go either way this week so we can expect some new very soon, and like buses don't be surprised if another one at least follows very quickly after.

Please let's just see where we are a fortnight prior to K.O. and then will be the time to judge and comment on the squad for season 08/09.

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I am amazed that you all seem so happy with whats going on, and we all trust regardless.

Credit to everyone with faith. I am lacking it seems

And, as for the " he must be a troll" grow up. I can type, and read! surely that's proof already I follow the only team in Bristol

Are you Ashtonyate or close relative of his??? You seem to have the same sort of opinions on the club..

When is the anti-Trundle post coming??? :whistle2:

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Does anyone on here actually know for sure who yessir is? You all seem to be taking his word as gospel.

No, and I hope nobody who does would reveal his identity, but his track record is impeccable. A genuine insider. :worship2: Also has a sense of humour, badly needed on here at times.

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I don't want to know who he is I was just asking if any one knew who he was! Anyone?
I think some of us have a good idea who it may be, But why bother revealing or even trying to figure out there identity. If we did then he may not post his cryptic clues anymore.
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I think some of us have a good idea who it may be, But why bother revealing or even trying to figure out there identity. If we did then he may not post his cryptic clues anymore.

So you don't know then.

The point of me asking is so I can decide wether they are to be trusted or not. If someone actually knew the person they could confirm if they are a trustworthy source.

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So you don't know then.

The point of me asking is so I can decide wether they are to be trusted or not. If someone actually knew the person they could confirm if they are a trustworthy source.

He's been right, every time, thats why he's trustworthy. No one knows who he is, but do we need to? really?

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