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Stewart Signs For Exeter City


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13.45 Exeter City have completed the signing of veteran striker Marcus Stewart from Yeovil Town. Grecians boss Paul Tisdale has described the deal as a 'real coup' for the Football League new boys.

Do you think we will get a sell on bonus for this :noexpression: :innocent06:

Yes. Apparently we get a cut of the transfer fee of 24 cans of natch that was paid between the two clubs!! Not that i'm intimating that he likes the old fizzy apple juice of course. :noexpression:

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Good luck to him I say I know things went shit here for him and I wanted him gone but that is a long way in the past now think everyone has moved on hope he scores goals for them though he will create more than he puts away I think.

I agree, after he came out at the masters and said 'I could have played for rovers in this tournement but I support City first and foremost' then good luck to him.

I hope he has it written in his contract that he can play in the masters final

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Exeter are the closest league team to me and are understandably quite chuffed with the signing.

Its a great little club (run by the supporters trust and with ahem, a really great sponsor that has stuck with them for 6 years) and is fast becoming a (Bristol) City enclave in the west. Managed by Paul Tisdale, with Rob Edwards as player-coach, Ryan Harley in the centre of a pretty solid midfield and now Marcus.

Having seen them half a dozen or so times last season, I think they'll do really well in Division 4 - they've drawn Southampton at home in the Carling Cup and the state they're in at the moment, that that could be an upset. Good luck to them and to Marcus.

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Why on earth would he leave Yeovil for Exeter? Was he asked to leave or did he choose to?

If he did choose to, other than wanting to stay in the West Country, there must still have been better opportunities for him unless he is choosing to do a good thing and pass his knowledge on to those who need ot most. If so good on him!

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