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Well it happened!

Great news, and something to perk up the fans.

Welcome Emad to the only club in Bristol, and welcome to the famous Cider Heads.

I for one am very excited now the deal is done. I thought it was never going to happen.

Now its onwards and upwards. Get Maynard, a left back, and a creative midfielder and its becoming possible we could sniff a top 6 place.

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Glad to see you're setting your sights high...

I'm just glad he's stopped fkin whinging. Last week it was we've missed the boat on so many strikers blah blah blah blah....

Mouthy little turn coat. GJ back in your good books now is he..... :nono:

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Well it happened! Great news, and something to perk up the fans.
As far as I'm aware the fans don't and didnt need any 'perking up.' Aside from the vocal minority id suggest the fans were more than happy in the knowledge that the club were working on a few deals to strengthen the squad.
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I thought it was never going to happen.

Yes, we noticed. Perhaps now you'll think twice about showing so little faith in the club?

Now its onwards and upwards. Get Maynard, a left back, and a creative midfielder and its becoming possible we could sniff a top 6 place.

That would indeed be nice but please give it a few weeks before plunging back into the depths of despair eh? Enjoy the optimism a little.

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Well it happened!

Great news, and something to perk up the fans.

Welcome Emad to the only club in Bristol, and welcome to the famous Cider Heads.

I for one am very excited now the deal is done. I thought it was never going to happen.

Now its onwards and upwards. Get Maynard, a left back, and a creative midfielder and its becoming possible we could sniff a top 6 place.

I don't believe people like you will ever be happy, let the paint dry on the Emad deal and I'm sure you'll find another stick to attack Johnson the club with :fastasleep:

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I don't believe people like you will ever be happy, let the paint dry on the Emad deal and I'm sure you'll find another stick to attack Johnson the club with :fastasleep:

If he doesnt score a hat trick in his first game this guy and AY will be banging on about how cr4p he is and what a waste of money..

Some people are never happy... Must have collected the repeat prescription of Prozac today from the Doctors.. :disapointed2se:

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I'm just glad he's stopped fkin whinging. Last week it was we've missed the boat on so many strikers blah blah blah blah....

Mouthy little turn coat. GJ back in your good books now is he..... :nono:

he's only done 42 posts.. he's not worth wasting the energy frankly.

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he's only done 42 posts.. he's not worth wasting the energy frankly.

Yeah you said it there havanatopia.

How's Cuba - you overthere at the mo....last time I wrote to you - you weren't getting over there much ? Back for the new season ?

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you muppet, so i have only 42 posts??? But you nearly always respond to them all.

Grow up,

Pot , Kettle and Black....

Wasn't it YOU that were whining on about lack of signings....? Like a little school kid....yet now you are full of beans after a signing. Its people like you that are the first to whinge when things go wrong, yet are the club's no.1 supporter when they are good.

Just a little tip, support and trust through thick and thin. GJ always does us proud.

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Pot , Kettle and Black....

Wasn't it YOU that were whining on about lack of signings....? Like a little school kid....yet now you are full of beans after a signing. Its people like you that are the first to whinge when things go wrong, yet are the club's no.1 supporter when they are good.

Just a little tip, support and trust through thick and thin. GJ always does us proud.

Couldnt agree with you more mate, there are a few on here who are so quick to moan about anything and everything and it does make you wonder whether they realise just how much success GJ, KM and SL and the players have bought this club in the past 2-3 years..

I have always been proud to say I am a city fan but never as much as these past few years.. these guys are doin a phenomenal job at running our club and long may it continue...

People need to wake up and realise that trusting the judgement of the guys at the top is the best way forward, because so far their judgement has i.m.h.o been flawless..

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Couldnt agree with you more mate, there are a few on here who are so quick to moan about anything and everything and it does make you wonder whether they realise just how much success GJ, KM and SL and the players have bought this club in the past 2-3 years..

I have always been proud to say I am a city fan but never as much as these past few years.. these guys are doin a phenomenal job at running our club and long may it continue...

People need to wake up and realise that trusting the judgement of the guys at the top is the best way forward, because so far their judgement has i.m.h.o been flawless..

Totally agree, I feel if we were to lose GJ,KM and their team, it would be the biggest loss the club could ever sustain, forget finances and any of the players, they are the hub of our club and they have shaped everything perfectly.

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Guest Garfunkle

are u lot stupid? he joined this forum 2/3 weeks ago and has since done nothing but moan. he is blatantly here on the wind up. why bite?

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