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Joe Garner For £1.14 Million.


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John Galley arrived on crutches, scored a hat trick on his debut, and left on crutches!

"I'd walk (limp?) a million miles for one of your goals..." etc. etc.

One for the old folks, when I was young and fit enough to both stand on the East End and sing. :innocent06:

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Just saw this story on the Sky Sports website (http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,12876_3847646,00.html). Presumably there are striking targets 'on the radar' that we are not aware of, however the three most plausible ones all come with a differing element of risk.

Garner as far as I'm aware is still out with a long term injury and as such signing him or any player in such a circumstance is surely not an option. It would be far too risky to sign a player with such an injury, unless the fee is minimal, as there are no guarantee's the player could return to his former self. When considering that his former self was a 14 goal in 34 appearence League One striker the risk is multiplied greatly as even without the injury, there is the risk he may not make the step up. I would be amazed if we spent anywhere near £1 million on anyone in such circumstance.

Maynard is similar to Garner in the respect of track record. The Crewe based background and those who have gone before him tend to suggest he is less of a risk in regard to progression as a player. However then of course there is the rumoured price tag. Paying around £2 million for potential is a lot of money. The argument that he is young and his value, even with minimal succeses, will only increase through time is viable. However £2 million for a League One striker in the wake of Mateab's arrival for less is un-realistic in my view.

That leaves Tyson. 'Injury Prone' seems to be the fashionable reason to rule him out, added to a £1 million price tag for a player in the last year of his contract and he takes on an element of 'value for money' perhaps rather than 'risk.' Interesting to note that it is Forest who are reported keeping tabs on Garner, which when combined with Earnshaw and Cole - surely two of the clubs top earners, must conclude us to thinking that life after Tyson is high on the Nottingham agenda.

I still think there is very much a deal to be done for Tyson. And not one where we bow to the demands of Forest. They continue to bring in or be linked with striker after striker, all of which have reason to think they are above Tyson in the pecking order. Cole wouldnt have gone there to sit on the bench, Earnshaw will start every week and Garner wont go there to progress on the training ground or be loaned out.

All of which leaves me unwavering in my conclusion that Tyson will be a Bristol City player before the season starts.

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Sell us Tyson then, then we won't have to buy Garner :P

I don't think I'd be happy if we sold Tyson. Yes we have Earnshaw, Cole and Tyson + a couple of young prospects but I'd be happy to get 15 games out of Cole this season. I honestly see him has a substitute to come on late in game and to add a lot of experience to the dressing room. Tyson and Earnshaw have got to be our first choice strikers. If the Garner deal comes off, I would expect Garner and Earnshaw to head the front line with Tyson on the wing which he has done many times before and is very good in that position.

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I don't think I'd be happy if we sold Tyson. Yes we have Earnshaw, Cole and Tyson + a couple of young prospects but I'd be happy to get 15 games out of Cole this season. I honestly see him has a substitute to come on late in game and to add a lot of experience to the dressing room. Tyson and Earnshaw have got to be our first choice strikers. If the Garner deal comes off, I would expect Garner and Earnshaw to head the front line with Tyson on the wing which he has done many times before and is very good in that position.

love your avatar :winner_third_h4h:

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I can't see anyone forking out a mill for a player with a cruciate injury. I reckon he will move in January if he's recovered and hit the net at a decent rate by then.

I think GJ will probably sign another striker but it will be a name we haven't heard yet.

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Just saw this story on the Sky Sports website (http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,12876_3847646,00.html). Presumably there are striking targets 'on the radar' that we are not aware of, however the three most plausible ones all come with a differing element of risk.

Garner as far as I'm aware is still out with a long term injury and as such signing him or any player in such a circumstance is surely not an option. It would be far too risky to sign a player with such an injury, unless the fee is minimal, as there are no guarantee's the player could return to his former self. When considering that his former self was a 14 goal in 34 appearence League One striker the risk is multiplied greatly as even without the injury, there is the risk he may not make the step up. I would be amazed if we spent anywhere near £1 million on anyone in such circumstance.

Maynard is similar to Garner in the respect of track record. The Crewe based background and those who have gone before him tend to suggest he is less of a risk in regard to progression as a player. However then of course there is the rumoured price tag. Paying around £2 million for potential is a lot of money. The argument that he is young and his value, even with minimal succeses, will only increase through time is viable. However £2 million for a League One striker in the wake of Mateab's arrival for less is un-realistic in my view.

That leaves Tyson. 'Injury Prone' seems to be the fashionable reason to rule him out, added to a £1 million price tag for a player in the last year of his contract and he takes on an element of 'value for money' perhaps rather than 'risk.' Interesting to note that it is Forest who are reported keeping tabs on Garner, which when combined with Earnshaw and Cole - surely two of the clubs top earners, must conclude us to thinking that life after Tyson is high on the Nottingham agenda.

I still think there is very much a deal to be done for Tyson. And not one where we bow to the demands of Forest. They continue to bring in or be linked with striker after striker, all of which have reason to think they are above Tyson in the pecking order. Cole wouldnt have gone there to sit on the bench, Earnshaw will start every week and Garner wont go there to progress on the training ground or be loaned out.

All of which leaves me unwavering in my conclusion that Tyson will be a Bristol City player before the season starts.

GJ told us in Portugal, that Tyson ...... was NOT a target for us.


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I don't think I'd be happy if we sold Tyson. Yes we have Earnshaw, Cole and Tyson + a couple of young prospects but I'd be happy to get 15 games out of Cole this season. I honestly see him has a substitute to come on late in game and to add a lot of experience to the dressing room. Tyson and Earnshaw have got to be our first choice strikers. If the Garner deal comes off, I would expect Garner and Earnshaw to head the front line with Tyson on the wing which he has done many times before and is very good in that position.

Tyson on the wing?? Right wing perhaps??? Could be interesting...

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GJ told us in Portugal, that Tyson ...... was NOT a target for us.


Fair enough.

Providing information is accurate we did have a bid for him turned down, therefore he was a target for us. The Meteab deal was always on the cards and as such his arrival in no way affects our interest or non interest in Tyson. In my opinion there is still time for a deal to go through, Forest continue to recruit strikers and Tyson has not, as yet, signed a new deal. It does not have to be City who make the move. Forest are aware of our interest and if they fail to satisfy his demands whilst brining in new faces there is every chance he will become unsettled. Then all it takes is for them to pick up the phone and say 'Circumstances have changed, let's talk business' and the deal is on.

All if's and buts of course. But as long as he has one year left on his contract and Forest continue to bring in players who potentially knock him down the pecking order the more likely something is to happen.

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GJ told us in Portugal, that Tyson ...... was NOT a target for us.


But did he tell you who is? Or indeed if there is anybody at all? Thought not. :innocent06:

If we've lost interest in Tyson and regard Maynard as overpriced there must be names (possibly abroad again?) we have heard nothing about. Or we're back to the drawing board and have to come up with a new list. :disapointed2se:

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Werent Carlisle saying Garner was going nowhere. Then all of a sudden they telease the information that he has a clause in his contract that would allow him to leave, if this injury is more serious than first disclosed maybe just maybe they want to try and move him on. Just a thought.

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Werent Carlisle saying Garner was going nowhere. Then all of a sudden they telease the information that he has a clause in his contract that would allow him to leave, if this injury is more serious than first disclosed maybe just maybe they want to try and move him on. Just a thought.

Er medicals? Think it'd show up.

I think Carlisle were just making the point, we won't sell him for less than this amount becuase that's his release fee clause. Prolly Forest offered half that and got told to do one.

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