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Hi all,

As you can see from the topic listing, i am wondering if anyone would be so kind who has a membership if they would be willing to get me a ticket for the Derby game, the reason i ask is its not that i'm tight or anything about buying the membership but i'm in the RAF and don't get to see many games as i'm away nearly 8 months a year and paying the 20 quid would make my ticket price for 1 game up to about 50 quid.

I'm in Bristol that weekend and it would be scandalous of me not to get to the game so i'm pleading on someones better nature to aid me in my quest.

Anyone who can help please PM me and we can work out payment and where to meet on match day.



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Don't panic, it's on Sky and won't sell out :bruce_h4h:

But if it does, I'm sure you'll get a ticket on general sale.

But seeing its our first home game of the season, plus our 3 Mil worth of strikers (fingers crossed), i think it will be a full house.

Thats why i'm trying to get in early......:laugh:

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