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I For One Stand And Appauld Garry Johnson

Bar BS3

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(this post is based on one proviso sp?) that GJ isnt the first to up sticks and leave if these decisions backfire!!

If he is man enough (and i beleive/hope that he is) then i fully support his judgement in not finalising the signings of two, undoubtably decent footballer players, that really couldnt be bothered if they play for us or someone else.

We were nowhere near the club that had the best 11-15 players in the ccc last season. HOWEVER we WERE the club that had the best TEAM of 11-15 as a group of players. (well, almost. but you know what i mean!)

I applaud you GJ for standing your ground and not panic buying. YES we need a stirker, a good one, and maybee two. But i respect your judgement and untill proven that that judgement be wrong, i suggest other people, alot less in the know that our Mr GJ afford him that much at least and see what happens from here.


(however bloody frustrating it is at times!!)



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Agree with GL completely, if you agree a deal with someone, and they then try to 'blackmail you into more' there's no choice,

Mifsud advised GJ he would be down on the Monday to sign, this prompted the statements from the club.

maybe he (or his advisors) thought they could extract more from the club, as an announcement had been made, and in view of the Metab saga, we would agree to 'save face'.

there's only one option should anyone renage on a deal, no matter what line of business you're in,

ask them the close the door behind them on their way out !


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