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Football League - Enjoy The Match Campaign


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Oh great, more families, just what the game needs.

The problem is not more families going, i've no problem with that.... its the way there going to have to be 'accomodated' i.e no swearing and all the bollox :disapointed2se:

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I am afraid I agree. football is my refuge and the one place in the world I can yell my head off to let off steam. I have taken my kids but now its too expensive, never mind the language.

I have had enough of people in high places telling everyone to stop smoking, sit down, stop swearing, eat less, drive slower, pay your taxes, put your seat belt on, be friendly to spiders etc.

Can you imagine trying to tell that to the Royal Antwerp lot the other day?

###### em all.

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Oh great, more families, just what the game needs.

Well, if the club's not going to die as all the kids start supporting Manure, Chelski and other 'local' teams, then we need to encourate them to attend.

Ok, so the atmosphere may be a little less intense, but at least the ground will be full and some form of future will be secure. I welcome anything that encourages families to go - it makes everyone else behave, for starters.

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Well, if the club's not going to die as all the kids start supporting Manure, Chelski and other 'local' teams, then we need to encourate them to attend.

Ok, so the atmosphere may be a little less intense, but at least the ground will be full and some form of future will be secure. I welcome anything that encourages families to go - it makes everyone else behave, for starters.

What a load of rubbish. Traditional football fans have been forced out of watching their teams because of high ticket prices. The new breed of fan will be the first to **** off if the economy really bites.

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What if its a woman and her 3 daughters?


Good Point plus what about those parents like myself that don't wish to have our children subjected to Racist/bigoted/violent/abusive behavior in the "family enclosures" that are for families if you don't like it sit elsewhere simple really. feel free to see my post on the social city forum under chavs in bristol topic my sentiments in that are the same. we want to take our children to football why should families have to put up with pure thuggery of the select few and have children exposed to such things as 15 - 45 yr old chavs giving it large in the family enclosure hence why its called that we should be able to take them along and enjoy the match in the same way as others all this lark on here about great all football needs is more families and how it would be a bad thing for kids to be going how the hell are we supposed to continue the next generation i mean they can all be manure or liverpool fans if they like i guess and we wont have a club because no one will be supporting and financing the club if we cant take kids along some of the posts on here are utter bollox and probably from the few that have caused this action in the first place. also as a foot note please take into consideration that those of us that take our children actually pay to take them as well so they are as entitled to enjoy the experience as much as the rest.

"sits back ready for a barage of abuse"

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In launching 'Enjoy the Match' Football League Chairman, Lord Mawhinney, said: "Young supporters will be the lifeblood of our clubs in years to come. It is therefore vitally important that we encourage more parents to bring their children into our grounds by creating a vibrant, family friendly atmosphere at all matches."

Note for Mawhinney:

Vibrant (Adjective)

- pulsating with vigor and energy

- vigorous; energetic; vital

- exciting; stimulating; lively

Sterile (Adjective)

- free from living germs

- incapable of producing offspring

- lacking imagination, creativity, or vitality

I think he got his words mixed up.

I'm all for more families coming to football but they absolutely cannot turn up and demand that what PC morons see as abusive language and football fans see as banter and atmosphere disappears from the game. **** that. We've already had to put up with forced seating, non smoking, no booze, over the top stewarding, police victimisation, plastic crap american commoditisation, shit kick off times for armchair muppets and ever increasing prices - don't take our fun away.

Family enclosures, fine, but you know full well the way this country is going that's just a toe in the door. If your kids can't cope with hearing a bit of swearing without crying or repeating it then you're not bringing them up right.

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