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Blackpool Ticket Refund?

italian dave

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Does anyone know if we're all entitled to contact Blackpool and ask for a refund on the extortionate price we all paid to stand in the rain today?

As many of us noticed, above the entrance to the away turnstiles was the old admission price from last season. This clearly stated that the cost of admission for an adult was £17.50.

Apart from highlighting the outrageous increase of over 50% this year, I wonder if this also makes Blackpool liable to refund us for charging over the stated price?

Perhaps a deluge of e mail enquiries at the local trading standards office on Monday morning would make someone sit up and take notice that clubs are ripping fans off? The address if you want to join in doing this is 'tradstand@blackpool.gov.uk' .

Anyone know the law on this?

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Does anyone know if we're all entitled to contact Blackpool and ask for a refund on the extortionate price we all paid to stand in the rain today?

As many of us noticed, above the entrance to the away turnstiles was the old admission price from last season. This clearly stated that the cost of admission for an adult was £17.50.

Apart from highlighting the outrageous increase of over 50% this year, I wonder if this also makes Blackpool liable to refund us for charging over the stated price?

Perhaps a deluge of e mail enquiries at the local trading standards office on Monday morning would make someone sit up and take notice that clubs are ripping fans off? The address if you want to join in doing this is 'tradstand@blackpool.gov.uk' .

Anyone know the law on this?

I can help you the price on the board outside the ground is what is called an "invitation to treat" and not a binding contract, its the same priciple for all pricing in supermarket and anything with a price tag.

If I use the supermarket example you only contract when the purchase is completed at the till or point of sale. i.e if I brought a City shirt in the club shop with a £10 price tage the person at the till can legally refuse to sale me the shirt at that price and say that the shirt is £40. However if they accepted my £10 as payment then a contract has been completed.

The celebrated case in law is Fisher V Bell as all business law anoraks wll tell you.

Therefore At blackpool today we had already completed a contract subject to FA and Football league regulations for a ticket as priced. However if you or I had turned up and paid cash at the turnstyle at the turnstuple opperator accepted your £17.50 then in law that would be binding.

So it a nutshell despite the facilities being far from ideal and being substandard for championship football we are not by law intittles to a refund.

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I also noticed on the way into Blackpool that there was a petrol station and on the big price board it said something like 10.9 for unleaded. The dots on all the fuel were in the wrong places I assume.

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I can help you the price on the board outside the ground is what is called an "invitation to treat" and not a binding contract, its the same priciple for all pricing in supermarket and anything with a price tag.

If I use the supermarket example you only contract when the purchase is completed at the till or point of sale. i.e if I brought a City shirt in the club shop with a £10 price tage the person at the till can legally refuse to sale me the shirt at that price and say that the shirt is £40. However if they accepted my £10 as payment then a contract has been completed.

The celebrated case in law is Fisher V Bell as all business law anoraks wll tell you.

Therefore At blackpool today we had already completed a contract subject to FA and Football league regulations for a ticket as priced. However if you or I had turned up and paid cash at the turnstyle at the turnstuple opperator accepted your £17.50 then in law that would be binding.

So it a nutshell despite the facilities being far from ideal and being substandard for championship football we are not by law intittles to a refund.

Thanks for that. You're not a lawyer, and there's a binding contract for me to pay for your advice, are you??!!

Personally I'd call the board outside the ground 'taking the pi**', not an invitation to treat! However, I suppose the 90th minute winner was a treat!

Best not waste too much time doing battle with Blackpool then!!!

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Thanks for that. You're not a lawyer, and there's a binding contract for me to pay for your advice, are you??!!

Personally I'd call the board outside the ground 'taking the pi**', not an invitation to treat! However, I suppose the 90th minute winner was a treat!

Best not waste too much time doing battle with Blackpool then!!!

Ha ha ha this info is free of charge, and I'm not a lawyer but I have studied business law for my job so know all about this stuff.

I agree with you it was more trick than treat but that the law!

Totally agree a Brooker 90th minute winner is priceless!

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