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The Funniest Football Chant Ever?

Mr Mosquito

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Did u like Havana Red?

I wondered what all the chanting was in the Plaza de la Revolucion!!

I loved Havana, I did a one-night stay at the 'Hotel Nacional de Cuba'. I was thrilled to bits when I realised that Winston Churchill was also a guest at that very hotel and there's a picture of the great man in the lobby smoking a big fat Cuban cigar. :winner_third_h4h:

Do you recognize this location in Havana?........


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I loved Havana, I did a one-night stay at the 'Hotel Nacional de Cuba'. I was thrilled to bits when I realised that Winston Churchill was also a guest at that very hotel and there's a picture of the great man in the lobby smoking a big fat Cuban cigar. :winner_third_h4h:

Do you recognize this location in Havana?........


Wasn't Winston a toff Tory?

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Wasn't Winston a toff Tory?

You really are being controversial in comparing the likes of toff Tory Margaret Thatcher to Winston Churchill. :noexpression: OK, Winston Churchill was an aristocrat and he led the Conservative party but he - like me - was also an admirer of Cuba and its people and an admirer of Oliver Cromwell.

The comparison between toff Tory Margaret Thatcher and Sir Winston Churchill is spurious on many levels. Churchill united the country, Thatcher divided it. Also, what is often forgotten today (thanks to the Tory Toff re-writing of history) is that Churchill would never have got the job as Prime Minister if it had been left to the Tories. When Chamberlain resigned, the Tories put forward Lord Halifax, as the man to lead the country. The Labour party refused because Halifax was a German appeaser, and they did not trust him to lead a coalition government. Churchill also served in the Liberal government at the beginning of the 20th century. His appeal was broad and when he died many people from all parties deeply respected him and remembered him for helping our country through World War 2 as the victors.

None of this applies to Thatcher - toff Tory through and through, and with a contempt for most other parties. Margaret Thatcher will be the first Prime Minister since Sir Winston Churchill to be given a state funeral if Gordon 'Fatty' Brown gets his way. It is also extraordinary that it is being suggested that a person who hated the State, and everything it did, should be given a State funeral. A privatized funeral would be more appropriate. Instead of being taken on a gun carriage she could be carted off in a Group 4 security van. :clapping:

cider head meets banksy - an artistic representation of Police state monitoring of our East End in 2008...


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Despite his misguided support, the man is a musical genius.

In some ways we as BCFC supporters are a lot luckier than a lot of long standing Man U supporters who now face a long waiting list to buy a season ticket. I get the idea that this is part of the reason for the formation of FC Manchester where Man U supporters can now watch and support a club that is Red and Mancunian after being frozen out by the Americanized football club that is now Man U. Man U's owners - the Glaziers are American, kit maker Nike - American, shirt sponsors AIG - American. Man U will continue to get success but at massive cost to their traditional Mancunian supporter base.

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AIG is only because of Glazer, Man United had Nike before Glazer.

We are owned by British people (thank god) but we have a German sponser and German kit manufacturer. But we aren't disenfranchised.

I'd suggest it's purely the owners that people object to, I'm all for FC United though to be honest, was very ironic when a MUFC player went on loan to FC Utd though.

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Then why did he lose the election in 1945?

The Labour Party promised a National Health Service and that's what the British people wanted. The promise of state funded medicine won out over the popularity of Winston Churchill. Labour then won the 1945 election with a landslide victory. After the General Election of 1951, Churchill again became Prime Minister.

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What, your observations on Churchills innability to create effective post-war domestic policy, or a song about coppers hats?

You'd better let me answer that. :winner_third_h4h: Britain was bankrupt Post WW2 and leading this country was the poison chalice of politics. Very hard for any leader to create effective post-war domestic policy with no money. Not until 1979 did this country have money - North Sea oil money - and Margaret Thatcher wasted this windfall on the lunatic economic policy of paying people to be unemployed. No surprise then that this football club dropped from top flight to Div 4 in successive seasons after Margaret Thatcher came to power in 1979 with South Bristol being very badly hit with high unemployment thanks to Thatcher.

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You'd better let me answer that. :winner_third_h4h: Britain was bankrupt Post WW2 and leading this country was the poison chalice of politics. Very hard for any leader to create effective post-war domestic policy with no money. Not until 1979 did this country have money - North Sea oil money - and Margaret Thatcher wasted this windfall on the lunatic economic policy of paying people to be unemployed. No surprise then that this football club dropped from top flight to Div 4 in successive seasons after Margaret Thatcher came to power in 1979 with South Bristol being very badly hit with high unemployment thanks to Thatcher.

I fail to see the link between Bristol City offering lucrative ten year contracts to players and our subsequent demise with Thatcher 'wasting' (or 'investing' i believe is the alternative word) North Sea oil money?Thatcher dragged this country from the poverty line and put the Great back into Great Britain again. It is far too easy to jump on the bandwagon of Thatcher baiting without respecting all of the good she did, which in my opinion far outweighed any of her questionable decisions.

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I fail to see the link between Bristol City offering lucrative ten year contracts to players and our subsequent demise with Thatcher 'wasting' (or 'investing' i believe is the alternative word) North Sea oil money?Thatcher dragged this country from the poverty line and put the Great back into Great Britain again. It is far too easy to jump on the bandwagon of Thatcher baiting without respecting all of the good she did, which in my opinion far outweighed any of her questionable decisions.

In a more enlightened period of England's great history Margaret Thatcher would have been burned for being the witch she undoubtedly is. :winner_third_h4h: She brought great distress to many of the ordinary people of England and that was enough to get King Charles I beheaded. Why should Thatcher be treated more favourably than a tyrant King?

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to blackpool from us yesterday well burn down your pier well burn down your pier just like western well burn down your pier

Yep, I'll be taking the credit for this one.

The last-gasp winner prevented any pyromania occurring though! :icecream:

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Yep, I'll be taking the credit for this one.

The last-gasp winner prevented any pyromania occurring though! :icecream:

I don't think you will be taking any credit for this one,

My mates drunken splurtings en-route to the ground from the manchester about piers and weston brought about the song which we whole heartedly sang in full voice when we entered the ground.....

And these are the lyrics......

To the tune of We'll Always Believe!!!

We burnt down the Pier

We burnt down the Pieeeeeeeeeeer

In Sunny Weston (because it was so bleedin orrible yesterday)

We burnt down the Pier


Your Tower is next

Your Tower is Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeext

With Petrol and Matches

Your Tower is next!


Lyrical Genius we know!

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I don't think you will be taking any credit for this one,

My mates drunken splurtings en-route to the ground from the manchester about piers and weston brought about the song which we whole heartedly sang in full voice when we entered the ground.....

Fair enough. Didn't hear it previously, so obviously I share the same sense of lyrical wit as your drunken friend. I was very very drunk also!!!

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There are many things to dislike anbout Thatch (Privatisations, Council Tax sales, destruction of manufacturing, tax cuts 4 the rich etc.), but I would hardly class her as a toff, being a grocers daughter etc. Also, I can't say that I have ever blamed her for our demise in the early 80's, more to do with Stephen Kew, being too loyal to aging players, no youth policy, poor strikers, long contracts, living beyond our means etc.

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