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Help Me Discredit Our Shoddy Press


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I am sick of this shite the local press keep printing, the recent load of crap highlighted by Ole.

Can you people please give me examples of headlines they've generated uneccesarily over the last few years?

I have so many arguments with G*s mates who don't believe the press are biased, I will finally win the argument if I have some evidence!!!


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Here's one from last week which made I laugh.

Evening post "journalism": "Although Orr has since made a full recovery, the mental scars remain"

Bradley Orr: "In the end, you have to learn to live with it and just get on with it. It was a bad experience, but it is one which will make me stronger in the future."

Now does that sound like a mentally scarred person? Hmm

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Here's one from last week which made I laugh.

Evening post "journalism": "Although Orr has since made a full recovery, the mental scars remain"

Bradley Orr: "In the end, you have to learn to live with it and just get on with it. It was a bad experience, but it is one which will make me stronger in the future."

Now does that sound like a mentally scarred person? Hmm

but Bradders was screaming like a madman when he said this whilst dressed in a chicken outfit with an iron cast mask on. Perhaps the journo was right ????

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I think thats par for the course with local rags they are all a bit shiteee and everyone knows it but they still shift papers on jobs days.

As fas as discrediting them well i don't think its really nessecary cos most people don't give them credit anyway, but if your determined to do so then i suggest you get a pin an ordinary pin will do and stick in the newspaper anywhere you like. I'm sure you will find that the article the pin is wedged in will be utter boredom and or complete speculation.

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why does anyone care what the local press say? of course they are second rate - local journos are either novices or not up to working for national papers and so stuck in a rut. i wouldn't give them the credence of even worrying about whether they are biased or not - and certainly not spend anytime trying to get evidence up on it, it'll just be hours of your life that you'll never get back! leave them to their miserable lives....

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