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Big Red Rich

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Nearly every message on here from under 16's regarding the closure of the East End has ###### or #####ing portrayed in an agressive manner. Usually aimed at or ragarding the police doing their job.

No doubt, if one of the 'kids' that used the forum got arrested for jumping on the fence, it would be "over zealous policing got my mate nicked".

Face it, two games aint going to hurt. Plus, if your under 16 and acting like it with your messages on here, your voice wouldnt have broken enough to make any decent noise anyway.

If you show you can behave on here, it might show you can behave in the stands.

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:Sleep12: :Sleep12: :Sleep12: :Sleep12:

cue the abuse, it sounds like you are trying to get a reaction rich - or just trying really hard to advertise some of your stock...

I find it sad that we are arguing about this - I'm not under 16, but i feel the wrong decision has been made thats all.

I dont think anyone, absoluteley anyone on here can honestly put their hand on their heart and say "now there are no under 16s in the EE, there will be no trouble."

###### this and ###### that is passion - passion about supporting BCFC thats all - if you werent in the EE I'm sure you would be exactly the same.

kids would never act the way they would if they havent seen it done by an adult before - I'm doing an education degree so i know...

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Guest Red_Rat

3 words for you, GET A LIFE.

Your talking out your ass, i wonder have you would react if it was adults banned?

Yeh thats what i thought.

And adults are asmuch 'aggresive' on here as kids.

O, and are you a Fed?

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Guest Champagne Football

This has to be the most hypocritical post I have read today. What are you trying to achieve from this post... an aggressive response from kids to prove your point? Rather childish if you ask me.

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Nearly every message on here from under 16's regarding the closure of the East End has ###### or #####ing portrayed in an agressive manner. Usually aimed at or ragarding the police doing their job.

I'm not under 16 but how were the police 'doing there job'...sounds like really impressive police then...they werent even there when we scored!
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big red rich do you think your clever winding up kids to prove your point???

your obviously a clever bloke,advertising your buisness on the forum and that, but dont you think you should be above having pointless arguments with little kids???

it seems a little sad to me if you feel the need to do this??? ^_^;):sub:

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Guest Zider Army

Tian youre an inspiration to us all I'm under 16 and I'm sound i wasnt on the fence i was just singing and having a laugh with my mates Big Red Rich is just a complete ###### just because hes an adult and he can tell kids to shut up on the internet i bet he thinks hes well hard now because he told a kid off .

As Tian said "Get a Life"

Under 16s should be allowed for Blackpool

Rich imagine if you were banned from the EE youd probably moan aswell were just trying to make a point Cardiff City FC let there kids in there rough stand

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This is the first post i've read today, however, tells me enough of what is surely below!

I think the point on the East End is everybody wants to blame somebody. If the same amount of effort was going in to suggestion good, sound solutions to the obvious problems; then perhaps you can get the East End back.

By problems I don't mean police. I do think some internal policing by the fans could have stopped all the problems though. ^_^

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Rich what type of baite did you put on your hook mate? One of the best examples of fishing I have ever seen on here. I take my hat off to the master

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big red rich do you think your clever winding up kids to prove your point???

your obviously a clever bloke,advertising your buisness on the forum and that, but dont you think you should be above having pointless arguments with little kids???

it seems a little sad to me if you feel the need to do this???

I don't think i'm clever. However, i'm just trying to point out that using every swear word under the sun is not helping the under 16's, who I do actually feel sorry for. Coming up with reasoned responses as many of you have done, is the correct way of going about it. What do you think the board think when they read:

"I'm calling Steve and Colin Wacko and Jacko from now on"

"######ing police should do their job."

I'm sure they arn't thinking, 'what a mistake we have made not letting u'16s in the east end', do you?


Tian youre an inspiration to us all I'm under 16 and I'm sound i wasnt on the fence i was just singing and having a laugh with my mates Big Red Rich is just a complete ###### just because hes an adult and he can tell kids to shut up on the internet i bet he thinks hes well hard now because he told a kid off .

As Tian said "Get a Life"

Under 16s should be allowed for Blackpool

Rich imagine if you were banned from the EE youd probably moan aswell were just trying to make a point Cardiff City FC let there kids in there rough stand

How much of a hole do you want to dig for yourself? All I have said is that your going about the situation totally the wrong way. Using bad language is not going to get you anywhere.

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I don't think i'm clever. However, i'm just trying to point out that using every swear word under the sun is not helping the under 16's, who I do actually feel sorry for. Coming up with reasoned responses as many of you have done, is the correct way of going about it. What do you think the board think when they read:

"I'm calling Steve and Colin Wacko and Jacko from now on"

"######ing police should do their job."

I'm sure they arn't thinking, 'what a mistake we have made not letting u'16s in the east end', do you?


How much of a hole do you want to dig for yourself? All I have said is that your going about the situation totally the wrong way. Using bad language is not going to get you anywhere.

Exactly. If you under 16's organised some kind of coherant response, instead of OMG STFU you ####### and accept the fact that i doubt the club just sat down and thought oh let's ban the under 16's shall we that will be fun won't it. The very fact that is is open at all shows that the club have put enormous amounts of effort into trying to convince the authorities to allow some of us still to be in there. The fact that the u-16's are banned quite clearly shows that this is the ONLY course of action that the authorities would accept to allow the EE to remain open.
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I am greatful to city 4 opening it still but it is wrong to assume that its kids all the time i think the way sum city fans act are bad for the club and half of em aint kids!!!

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Tian fair play. ;) I'm also under 16 and agree with everthing you have said :sub:
Even the rediculously spelt rubbish that it has spouted ? ^_^


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Holy smokes kids, am I not getting through to you? Where have I accused you of being hooligans? Where have I accused you of jumping on the fence. Where have I said the club are correct in banning you? I havn't.

All I have said, over and over and over, is that calling the Chairman name and swearing isnt going to help your situation.

I've even said I feel sorry for you.

But, if your swearing blind on here then it doesnt paint a very good picture about what your like in the stands? This is all I am saying.

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you know the ironic thing, I'm actully 16 have been for over half a year and because I brought a season ticket when I was 15 unless I buy a under 19's ticket I will not be able to get into the East End. This means I cannot exchange my season ticket which I payed for at the start for a ticket in the East End.

Hmm, yeah that's really funny Tarquin. very very clever City, I'm over 16 do I want to Pay extra to see a match I effectively have already payed for??? obviously not!

Its not as if you dont have my birthdate and information. Infact I remeber City needing a copy of your birth certificate to get a season ticket :@

Good Job City ^_^

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Nearly every message on here from under 16's regarding the closure of the East End has ###### or #####ing portrayed in an agressive manner. Usually aimed at or ragarding the police doing their job.

No doubt, if one of the 'kids' that used the forum got arrested for jumping on the fence, it would be "over zealous policing got my mate nicked".

Face it, two games aint going to hurt. Plus, if your under 16 and acting like it with your messages on here, your voice wouldnt have broken enough to make any decent noise anyway.

If you show you can behave on here, it might show you can behave in the stands.

As far as I'm concerned, this is ridiculous. It labels all of us U16's as unintelligent and unable to string a sentence together without resorting to coarse language. I am personally appalled at the desicion to not allow juveniles in the EE because it basically tells us what City think of us, that we are just junior hooligans. Admitedly some U16's are completely to blame for climbing the fence, but there were also adults doing it. Sadly these people are not banned from the EE, because U16's are the easiest to keep out, and what can we do about? As far as I am aware, nothing. So we will sit in another stand and watch as the EE atmosphere is diminshed how ever slightly (yes, we do sing), and hope for more sense when it comes to permanent arrangements.
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As far as I'm concerned, this is ridiculous. It labels all of us U16's as unintelligent and unable to string a sentence together without resorting to coarse language. I am personally appalled at the desicion to not allow juveniles in the EE because it basically tells us what City think of us, that we are just junior hooligans. Admitedly some U16's are completely to blame for climbing the fence, but there were also adults doing it. Sadly these people are not banned from the EE, because U16's are the easiest to keep out, and what can we do about? As far as I am aware, nothing. So we will sit in another stand and watch as the EE atmosphere is diminshed how ever slightly (yes, we do sing), and hope for more sense when it comes to permanent arrangements.

At last, a reasoned reply. Fair play, and i totally understand your points and agree with many of them. But I dont label all U16's unintelligent and unable to string a sentence together without resorting to coarse language. Some really don't help themselves with diabolical spelling, swearing, insults and text language. However, I think you will find my message said "NEARLY every message", not all of the messages swearing in them??

Telling me to get a life doesn't help anyone.

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Diabolical Spelling and using Text Language are not reasons to keep us out of the EE, it doesn't make us more of a hooligan, or even less intelligent. I'm sure this is not the reason why we have been kicked out of our favourite part of the ground.

Of course there will be some kids who swear and spell badly (oh what a crime), and many who do not go to the game for the right reasons, but there are many who just go in the EE to get behind the lads, and I feel it is dreadful to group us all as not capable of looking after ourselves.

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I know exactly where Mitch is coming from, however the reason why he had to urge to start a new thread about it and not use the other one i do not know, other than that already suggested of winding us younger ones up.

Swearing does not help the case at all, most people find it rude and offensive so it would only, as mitch has already said do more harm than good. Even though personally I'm not against the odd swear word here and there as i think they are very strong describing words and nothing else can put yourself across more.

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