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Brian Wilson. Well Played - A Very Good Squad Member.


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Thought he was our best player today. Gave 110% when challenging for the ball and subsequent run that led to our goal. Some great tackles too.

Maynard scored the exactly the type of goal that he was brought to the club to do. The games i've seen him play he does a lot of work closing down defenders and goalkeepers (although i'm not too sure about this as i'm afraid of him getting injured).

Williams showed some neat touches - I would like to see him given a chance in the middle of the park.

First half performance - for a change!

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Thought he was our best player today. Gave 110% when challenging for the ball and subsequent run that led to our goal. Some great tackles too.

Maynard scored the exactly the type of goal that he was brought to the club to do. The games i've seen him play he does a lot of work closing down defenders and goalkeepers (although i'm not too sure about this as i'm afraid of him getting injured).

Williams showed some neat touches - I would like to see him given a chance in the middle of the park.

First half performance - for a change!

I only saw the 2nd half today (been in Czech Rep for a wedding and flight landed at smack on kick off today) but what i saw of Wilson in that time, well dare i say it, i thought he was superb in that position and could justifiably by our first choice right back instead of Bradders. Bit more rounded than Bradders, good touch and passing and great going forward, as the goal showed.

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I only saw the 2nd half today (been in Czech Rep for a wedding and flight landed at smack on kick off today) but what i saw of Wilson in that time, well dare i say it, i thought he was superb in that position and could justifiably by our first choice right back instead of Bradders. Bit more rounded than Bradders, good touch and passing and great going forward, as the goal showed.

I never hear any bad words about Wilson and most would agree surely he always steps into the breach when needed and does what's required . Difficult coming on as a sub often like he does and to pick up in a game when the tempo was as tonight.

Possibly my man of the match .

Skuse was fine and for me I thought Mcallister did very well .

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I have to agree that Wilson was definately our best player today compared to his performance on tuesday. I've always been a fan of Brian Wilson and wanted GJ to give him a chance. And i was very glad to see him come on on tuesday but thought his perfomance was a little dissapointing but today thought he showed what he can really do. He set up Maynards goal and also made some good tackles. Now with us having the lack of fit defenders he will hopefully get more of a chance and show us what he's really made of. Regarding the Gavin Williams case i don't think that he's completely fit, although i thought he also played very well today with his great passes and work rate when he came off he did look very tired. All Around a good game and thought all played well today.

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Good Game: Skuse, Williams, Brooker, McAllister(50%), Orr, Carey, Wilson, Weale

Average Game: Johnson, Dele, McIndoe

Poor Game: Sproule, Maynard (Scored and thats it).

How can you put our only scorer below a player who passed to the oposition (in our own penalty area) to give away a goal? :blink:

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How can you put our only scorer below a player who passed to the oposition (in our own penalty area) to give away a goal? :blink:

Maynard had a few sprints chasing defenders when the crowd were up for it, but hardly saw him do a single thing, other than give the ball away.

I cant stand LJ, no secret, but I thought he was decent for the first 25 mins, thats enough to make him average. Still shirking challenges though.

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hardly saw him do a single thing

Score a goal?

Don't forget we've been screaming out for a player to get those types of tap-ins for a while and he was in the right place at the right time.

After all you gotta score goals to win games (As well as try not to gift them to the opposition).

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Score a goal?

Don't forget we've been screaming out for a player to get those types of tap-ins for a while and he was in the right place at the right time.

After all you gotta score goals to win games (As well as try not to gift them to the opposition).

I guess he's going to be like Owen, annonymous but in the team for the tap ins.

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Wilson had a very good game, best postion is no doubt at Right Back......showed it again today

I would have to go for Wilson, stood out for me, maybe because he is showing signs of what he can do and is improving each time I see him.

Weale showed today that he is an equal of Basso and we should be very happy to have 2 very good quality keepers.

Some players don't get the praise they deserve because it is now expected due to their consistency but Carey always delivers.

Maynard did his job by scoring, it was a goal we probably wouldn't have got last season because we didn't have a gambler type forward. If that would have been a winner goal he would be hailed as a hero so don't knock his other work, I personally thought he was industrious if somewhat misplaced at times.

Williams showed some good work but needs more time I think to fully get up to speed.

Orr worked hard as always.

Not sure what happened in the second half but on our first half performance, if we can match that standard, we will definately be in the mix come the seasons end, GOOD TIMES

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I only saw the 2nd half today (been in Czech Rep for a wedding and flight landed at smack on kick off today) but what i saw of Wilson in that time, well dare i say it, i thought he was superb in that position and could justifiably by our first choice right back instead of Bradders. Bit more rounded than Bradders, good touch and passing and great going forward, as the goal showed.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. I said recently on this forum that I really rated Brian Wilson. Didn't engender much response. One was "only a good League 1 player at best". To me he has pace. great commitment in tackles, and an eye for an assist, or even a goal. We all love Bradders (not in the Biblical sense if you're male), but to my mind, Brian does offer serious competition for a place, and I'm always happy to see him selected, either from the start or coming from the bench. Certainly great going forward, with excellent delivery.

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Score a goal?

Don't forget we've been screaming out for a player to get those types of tap-ins for a while and he was in the right place at the right time.

After all you gotta score goals to win games (As well as try not to gift them to the opposition).

He also chased down defenders for 90 minutes which helpwed us defend from the front.

I'd give him 7/10.

He's still settling in and I'd give him a bit longer to fine-tune.

No doubt in my mind that he'll be our top-scorer this season.

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Wilson was outstanding today. When he came on and I saw Brad move to CB (he also did well considering) I wasnt sure. But wilson was simply awesome. Heavily involved in the goal and got forward on numerous occasions. Tackling hard and winning the ball every time. his sliding tackles were timed to perfection. I have said in the past his only problem is that he is too light-weight but that wasnt the case today. Providing he gets a chance he will really be pushing Brad for his place on that form.

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I've always rated Wilson, even though he's received a lot of stick on this forum in the past.

He did the perfect substitute's job yesterday - came on and affected the game. His surging runs from defence gave us extra momentum and, of course, led to our goal.

Deserved his MoM, for me.

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Maynard had a few sprints chasing defenders when the crowd were up for it, but hardly saw him do a single thing, other than give the ball away.

I cant stand LJ, no secret, but I thought he was decent for the first 25 mins, thats enough to make him average. Still shirking challenges though.

I think Maynard had a good game, occupying positions we've not had a forward oppcupying since Lita left. He does need to pick his passes better when not in a scoring position though. It was noticable that Brooker made much better use of the ball in these sort of situations when he came on.

As you correctly point out you usually are a harsh critic of LJ (and I'm quite the opposite) but I actually think you are being kind on him this time out. The Derby 'assist' was not actually the problem (I'd say that could have happened to any player), it was his inability to retain the possession second half in the face of Green and Savage upping their tempo.

He tried to 'fight fire-with-fire' by attempting to get more aggressive, but played right into their hands. He was at his most effective in those first 25 by taking a step back and picking up the pieces from the work by Skuse, not by getting 'stuck in' and not giving us an out once the dirty work was done, although I think having only one real centre back might have contirbuted to this.

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Yep, he played very well.

Might sound controversial here with all the LJ bashing going on, but, here goes, I'd would love to see Brian Wilson get a run of 5-10 games alongside Marvin Elliott in the centre, for me, he is a very good tackler, he can pick a pass and has a decent shot.

Wilson is a much better player than a bench warmer, unfortunately for him I think he needs a move to a club that will use him to show off his talent. Because he isn't going to get in, in front of Johnson, Orr and Williams.

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Wilson is a much better player than a bench warmer, unfortunately for him I think he needs a move to a club that will use him to show off his talent. Because he isn't going to get in, in front of Johnson, Orr and Williams.

If he performs like he did yesterday on a regular basis I'm not so sure of that. An assist, a goal-line clearance and an all-round top notch performance after coming off the bench must give GJ food for thought.

Just to add to the controversy I'd rather see Orr moved to central mid, Skuse CB and Wilson given a run at right-back if injuries persist and we don't get in new blood.

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I aint a fan of Wilsons, but yesterday, 100% our man of the match, while all others round fell apart he kept his shit together. Very impressed, less so with Williams, Johnson, Brooker, McIndoe, Sproule. Poor games who we know can produce far better, bar williams who I saw for the first time yester. Impressed with Weale too. best Ive seen him play. Bradders, Louis, and Jamie Mac did OK, Maynard was efficient first half but like all second half far less effective

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Wilson did brilliant yesterday. Amazing what a player can achieve when being played in his rightful position and I've been nothing but impressed with the limited outings he's had in his natural position at full back. He looks a lot more effective there that on the wings that's for sure.

Also thought Bradders did well when moving into centre back. Thought that was a gamble that would've backfired at the time but he dealt with the switch very well.

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BIG positives

First half performance which was excellent.

Johnson and Skuse running the game first half

Wilsons performance

McCombe passing the ball instead of lumping it

Weale looked real class and his kicking is something we can make use of


Second half performance which was disjointed

Skuse and Johnson fading second half

Defensive mix ups second half (understandable as Orr was a makeshift centre back)

Should have buried Derby in the first half - they were terrible and we were looking very good

Overall, it was a good performance with no bad performances from our players, shame about their sloppy goal - if we had got a second in the first half, we would have gone on to slaughter them.

My thoughts exactly there. Wilson best position is most definitely right-back - I've thought that for a long time, and it would be interesting to see how well he does in that position after a solid amount of games.

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Wilson had a very good game, best postion is no doubt at Right Back......showed it again today

You certainly wont see Orr sprinting for a return pass like Wilson did for the goal

Nor racing across the pitch to cover for Mcalister when he has to have a little breather after crossing into oppos half

Nor taking on fullbacks like Riberio was on Tues until his injury (bless get well soon and all that)

Haing said that - well done Bradders for stepping into CH role after boom booms injury - did well for stop gap

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Good Game: Skuse, Williams, Brooker, McAllister(50%), Orr, Carey, Wilson, Weale

Average Game: Johnson, Dele, McIndoe

Poor Game: Sproule, Maynard (Scored and thats it).

Sproule did well for starters and Maynard did what hes paid to do..... what exactly do you expect him to do? goalscorers are quite often don't do much, but he was always in the right positions as far as i could see.

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