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Computer Advice

fka dagest

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I'm thinking of buying a new PC in the next 6 months. I know you can either buy from mainstream suppliers or even get some shops to build you one. Basically, I want something reliable, without it having to be bang up-to-date. For example, something 2 years old would be fine.

Does anyone have any advice?

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Guest MaloneFM

I went to Maplins the electrical place in Cheltenham road. Told them what I wanted to do...surf for porn, babble rubbish on here...and they got on with it.

Don't touch firms like Tiny. They are a nightmare if it goes wrong.

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I buy Dell as do my brother and my dad. Bought about five to date between us. No hardware problems and where we have needed to use their support they've been good.

Linky for them at the top of the page to give OTIB a small cut if you do.

Not sure why you'd want one a couple of years old when the basic edition new ones are so cheap.

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Depending on what you want, Dell are great if you just want a PC for general stuff. Very cheap and reliable.

For a gaming PC I got mine from www.meshcomputers.co.uk and have been happy with it. If you get a PC magazine like "PC Format" there's plenty of adverta from companies selling pc's.

Unless you know what you're doing, I wouldn't advise going down the build your own route.

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I would suggest building your own PC, it really isnt hard if you have a small degree of PC compitance and the money you will save could be in the £100's

Dell use the cheapest, crapest components available, which will have a habit of blowing up miuntes after your warrenty expires.

But if you just need a bacis PC for email etc then i suppose Dell would suffice, but if you're a pro gamer you need hi end components which shop bought PC's will never offer.

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I wouldn't bother building your own pc unless you have a fair knowldge of the components you are going to put in, a work mate has not long since built his own pc (and he is someone who has a fair understanding of computers) and his computer has momentary glitches which he hasn't yet ironed out 5 months on.

And to be honest there isn't that much difference in price putting together you're own pc or getting a local computer shop to bung you one together, my new pc cost me £700 from my high street shop after I specified what I wanted, for me to put it together myself would have cost just over £600, that's not a lot of mark up and I get a full years warranty bunged in and I can pop back to the shop if I have a problem.

As moomin has said, you don't get a warranty if something fails on a diy machine and trying to find out what has failed may be a costly exercise if you don't have the necessary skills.

Dell would be my choice for you, very good value machines and they have a good reputation for reliabilty.

My oldest Dell pc is nearly 4 years old and is still reliable.

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