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Guest BigJohn

I posted on the ask CS forum and i am 16 i have had my birthday but because i have a Under-16 Season ticket i have to buy an Uder-19 ticket what a joke!! What is going on it needs sorting big time :@ ^_^ :@ ;) :@ :sub:

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I posted on the ask CS forum and i am 16 i have had my birthday but because i have a Under-16 Season ticket i have to buy an Uder-19 ticket what a joke!! What is going on it needs sorting big time

yup i have the same problem and I'm 17 in 5 months, I paid for my season ticket why pay to get in the east end!

:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ ^_^

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Guest Swiss Baloney
Don't we have a suspended fine and possible points deduction hanging over us after the trouble at the Bournemouth game a few years ago?

If so, can't you all understand why the club are doing this?

Agree ^_^

I dont think that reading half the responses that half the kid's in the eastend should be in there anyway ;)

I was 16 the last time round when the whole lot was ours. This time round it's great to get back in the eastend but tbh it's complex with the away fans being only a stones throw away.

There are massive saftey reasons imposed not by the club so the club is working as hard as it can to keep it open.

The stupid little twernts that caused the trouble at the plymuf game r to blame for the restrictions not the club.

And the business argument is doodoo, what the club are doing is trying to keep the atmosphere.

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I suggest the so called "Authorities" take a look at the safety regulations employed at other comparable stadiums,then look at the overkill that they have produced.

To me, this is the most valid point in all of this.

Having travelled to a number of away games this season, there is, without question, a less than consistent approach to segregation and crowd safety across Football League stadia.

While it is quite right that we get our own house in order, I do not see how the 'segregation' in the Arkells Stand at Swindon and in the seating area at Colchester (to name two from my recent experience) are seen as acceptable, whereas we faced having our home fans evicted from one end of the ground on safety grounds.

I have never been to Ninian Park, but, having watched the City games on television a number of times, I'm pretty sure that Cardiff fans jump up on the security fence when they score. Not to mention the throwing of bottles and coins, of course. Yet I don't recall their fans being removed from that end for these offences.

As I say, I'm all for us getting making our ground as safe as possible and taking measures to ensure the safety of all fans, but I do wonder how other clubs seemingly get away with similar offences without facing similar restrictions and punishments.

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I believe it's wrong to blame the club in this and they are doing everything they can.

The guilty parties are the Council and the Police.

The Council are renowned for their dislike of sport in this city. Places like Stoke and Newcastle (half the size of Bristol) have excellent athletics facilities and what do we have? Whitchurch! Even a small town like Yate in South Gloucestershire has better facilities than Bristol.

Bristol is suffering badly from a lack of funding for sport and the finger of blame points firmly at the Council's indifference to attempts by sporting bodies to improve facilities.

The Avon and Somerset police force are no less culpable by their lazy attitude to anything sporting. Either the security is as tight as a drum (and costly) so that their officers can just stand around and sneer at the 'scum' that are football fans, or the event is canned.

Having heard several anecdotes about the A&S C, it seems to me that whenever they are called to action, the route they take is the one that causes the least paperwork. This usually means ignore it or minimise it.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I wonder how much input our beloved local council had in this matter.

If they did have representatives present I would like to know:

1. In what way are they qualified in crowd control/safety issues.

2. Are they football fans themselves?.

3. Have they looked at past precidents at other football clubs?

And concerning the H&S executive

1. Surely all clubs have been treated the same, have they looked at past problems at say, Cardiff, when looking into this matter?

2. Will this now be the standard when dealing with other clubs?

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I agree with several of the points, Edsun puts it in relative lay terms that there doesn't appear to be a consitent policy adopted by the League governing these issues.

Whether or not it is the falt of the club, supporters, over zealous stewarding, local authorities or police is not the point.

The club have taken this stance and are the only club in the entire league that endorse this kind of response.

As I have pointed out previously or fans are similar to those up and down the country, whereby:

We want our team to win as they represent us and our local community and vice versa.

We pride ourselves in the numbers who attend. (that's why we bcome miffed at spurious attendance figures)

We become passionate in our support by singing and chanting in a collective (that's why we congregate in the same areas of the ground - home and away).

We want to be seen as the best, noisiest, largest, loudest (that's why fans sing "shall we sing a song for you?) - it isn't all about the team's results although this is what originally compels us!

By limiting the numbers to 500 on safety grounds we will again be reduced to a sedentary token gesture ensuring that like don't sit with like minded.

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What a laugh the entire football league must be having at us right about now.

I bet all away fans will be running scared next time they visit Bristol knowing that all of the trouble makers are Under 16??!!

True-the majority of the people that sit along side the fence as close to the away fans as possible are Under 16.I also agree that they try to run toward the fence when we score.I feel this is just a natural reaction though (see note regarding KOP at bottom of post) .Having away fans right next to you always provokes this. But these people are just kids.As soon as a steward or police man moves toward them they retreat back in there numbers looking affraid and timid like the small children that they are. I think the club is getting these small children mixed up with grown men who can cause trouble.These pre mentioned grown men (Adults) were the ones climbing the fences.Not the kids.

Dont get me wrong I,like the club,am embarresed by the amount of kids in the east end.Collectively they dont make as much noise as 5or6 blokes and they are pathetic in the way in which they try to act but is banning them the best decision?

A couple of other points: I was once at swansea and Martin Kuhl score a screamer from 30yards to make it 0-1 and we went.As we surged forward we all mounted the fence at the front of the stand.Police and stewards were very quick to hit and push us back off the fences.We/I didnt do it again.Please note that they did not stand and watch us climb them.

I have also been to Ninian Park about 6times over the years.I wonder if anyone on the staff at BCFC,BC Town council or A&S Police have.

Shouldnt Liverpool have tried to stop all those thousands of (hooligans??) surging forward in the KOP every time they scored??!!! Of course not.

Where has all the common sense gone.

Moan Over.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"Rubbish. To be more precise, I cannot understand how any business operating in today's market, when faced with the option of selling only 500 tickets or being forced to close down an entire end, would have made any other decision than the one taken by City."

So you know all the facts from that meeting and we don't then yeah?

None of us can point fingers untill we know what was said by all parties, although I doubt we'll ever find out.

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Rubbish. To be more precise, I cannot understand how any business operating in today's market, when faced with the option of selling only 500 tickets or being forced to close down an entire end, would have made any other decision than the one taken by City.

If you all feel strongly, you should be making yourselves known by organising petitions and protests against the City Council and Avon and Somerset Constabulary, for they are the people who forced the club into that decision.

But I don't expect you'll bother, because it's much easier to blame the club.

I've already protested regarding the organisations that are the aristocrat and plutocratic loving Police and corrupt anti-sport Bristol City Council. The afore mentioned 'big brother' organisations have made supporting BCFC a nightmare at times. The Police at BCFC away games would do Adolf Hitler's Gestapo proud with their intimidating camera culture. Bristol Council have done nothing for the league football clubs in Bristol over the years - OFF WITH THEIR HEADS !!!!!!! ^_^;):sub:

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Another top quality post from EastEnder.

I feel very sorry for the under 16's who appear to have been tarred with one all consuming brush. This is a bad decision and one I feel the club will rue for some time to come.

I honestly feel that we suffer from either an overbearing set of local authorities/police force or a throughly inept set of stewards who through lack of action have allowed 'fence climbers' to get away with it, resulting in this draconian backward step.

I still know of no other club that has imposed or had imposed upon it such strigent segregation. I have visited in excess of 80 league grounds and have not seen another ground for years with huge metal fences, acres of empty segregating seats. Not even Cardiff, sure there are fences and nets but I can asure you that you are within spitting distance of the home fans when stood on the Grangetown End. What is so special about us?

I have a feeling that on Saturday, with queues developing around the ground that the East End will get opened as an 'overflow'. If this does occur I will be heartily peed off as myself and a large group of friends have supported and enjoyed the East End experience up until now. We are again fragmented with mates now forced to sit apart in different parts of the ground.


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WELL DONE EASTENDER. i have seen worse down the city centre on a friday night with young girls shouting at each other after one too many bacardi breezers than what occurred at the plymouth game, what shall we do close the centre at weekends. BCFC should take a look at other clubs around the country and see how they deal with segregation, they find safe and straight forward solutions to an age old problem, not by banning there own supporters from a section of the ground either by age or numbers.

yours disgusted but not surprised midland red.

:Rage: :Fume: :Rage: :Fume: :Rage: ^_^ :Rage: :Fume: :Rage:

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