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Good Morning All,

First of all, let me start by saying I'm proud to be an EastEnder, but, I've noticed that we aren't using the EastEnd as well as we could do.

Now I was stood in G block, and I've noticed that their are 3 groups of singers.....

  • Ones nearest the away support (Who sing at the speed of light and always get ahead of themselves)
  • G Block, I think it was Ziderhead with the drum
  • And the other group in the corner

As the match goes on it seems like at times 3 different songs are being sung by three different sections and everyone is killing everyone out....

So, is their anyway we can all keep together? Cus a united Eastend can lift the whole stadium...

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By the net, those cats sing far to fast. By the piller, that's where it's at.

Most of the older heads were on about going into the middle, but don't seem to have done? It's ok how it is, and I can only see more people joining in as they get used to it in there.

Yes i was in the middle of the sections and it was very confusing! I just had 2 pause + went with the lot that were singing louder!

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Yes i was in the middle of the sections and it was very confusing! I just had 2 pause + went with the lot that were singing louder!

You should've joined us up by the drum then Wal. Quality atmosphere up there. Going to try and stand in that area every game now.

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Good Morning All,

First of all, let me start by saying I'm proud to be an EastEnder, but, I've noticed that we aren't using the EastEnd as well as we could do.

Now I was stood in G block, and I've noticed that their are 3 groups of singers.....

  • Ones nearest the away support (Who sing at the speed of light and always get ahead of themselves)
  • G Block, I think it was Ziderhead with the drum
  • And the other group in the corner

As the match goes on it seems like at times 3 different songs are being sung by three different sections and everyone is killing everyone out....

So, is their anyway we can all keep together? Cus a united Eastend can lift the whole stadium...

that was me with the drum, actually :)

but yeah, we just need the kids by the netting to slow down, then it would incredible. the pillar is where its at right now though ;)

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Eastenders of the early eighties will recall there being two distinct groups . One directly behind the goal and one left side around the shelf in the corner.

always stood on the left closer to the toilets, less chance of missing a goal that way :laugh:

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