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Winning Team+scoring Goals = 19,000 Home Crowds


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It is all about exciting the City of Bristol against other teams home and away that will produce non season ticket holders to swell the crowd and money takings at Ashton gate. Continuing to rise in the league position of BCFC is a must to even begin this progress.

No one ever said it would be cheap nor easy but that must be the 'goal'. Our performance this year even though not all our fault on the sorry tale of time and results to find players does show some lack of on the spot professionlism and do we really need to be more quick off the mark ?

Should we win at Coventry we will have 7 points from 3 games which is fantastic but to achieve the adulation we had last year we need a 'well oiled club' based on the experience we learned in last years Championship! We know this year is going to be harder than ever and what number of existing squad players can walk into our 1st team and perform?

Regular top performances with 110% effort from the city key players is what we strive for in all games and we do need a larger squad to perform to this demanding role! Currently we have less squad than we had last year and I suppose this was trimming what we cannot use but shouldn't the numbers be the other way?

Our large crowds and support nearly helped City get into the promised land last year but they were certainly earned by performances up to the very end and extra people spent a lot money to witness this excitement and maybe they are waiting for this again based on last Saturday's crowd?

I wish the best for the Club this season and I wonder if every squad player be it defender, midfield or striker can produce the 110% performance for the City

during the 90 minutes they play each Saturday for the club in the Championship and not just the preperation training?

Good luck at Coventry.


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It is all about exciting the City of Bristol against other teams home and away that will produce non season ticket holders to swell the crowd and money takings at Ashton gate. Continuing to rise in the league position of BCFC is a must to even begin this progress.

No one ever said it would be cheap nor easy but that must be the 'goal'. Our performance this year even though not all our fault on the sorry tale of time and results to find players does show some lack of on the spot professionlism and do we really need to be more quick off the mark ?

Should we win at Coventry we will have 7 points from 3 games which is fantastic but to achieve the adulation we had last year we need a 'well oiled club' based on the experience we learned in last years Championship! We know this year is going to be harder than ever and what number of existing squad players can walk into our 1st team and perform?

Regular top performances with 110% effort from the city key players is what we strive for in all games and we do need a larger squad to perform to this demanding role! Currently we have less squad than we had last year and I suppose this was trimming what we cannot use but shouldn't the numbers be the other way?

Our large crowds and support nearly helped City get into the promised land last year but they were certainly earned by performances up to the very end and extra people spent a lot money to witness this excitement and maybe they are waiting for this again based on last Saturday's crowd?

I wish the best for the Club this season and I wonder if every squad player be it defender, midfield or striker can produce the 110% performance for the City

during the 90 minutes they play each Saturday for the club in the Championship and not just the preperation training?

Good luck at Coventry.


Not sure if i missed the point but yes i agree we could use a biger squad, more competition in all areas would be good. As for crowds, the price is the only factor at the momnet IMO. I get a season ticket because i know i would not be able to pat near 30 quid per game if i never...

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considering we have sold over 13500 season tickets, I'd say it was close to impossible that we will get many/if any attendances below 14k this season, I'd imagine we are already going to be looking at around 15k min each week, regardless of how we are doing

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Well really we should be averaging 15,000 this season.

The chances of replicating last years success is still far too early to tell, but on the assumption we're heading for 8th place (my prediction any way!) you'll find you'll have a solid 15,000 for home games. The only games where this won't be the case is TV games (like Derby) silly midweek games (Sheff United on a tuesday...yeah thats going to pull in the ticket sales!) and games against teams from further away/less support (Blackpool, Burnley etc).

You've got 13500 ST holders.

Average of 1,000 away fans a game

Plus the floaters

The only question is, will another play-off/promotion campeign happen, probably changing attendances from 15,000 to 17500 or so.

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Well really we should be averaging 15,000 this season.

The chances of replicating last years success is still far too early to tell, but on the assumption we're heading for 8th place (my prediction any way!) you'll find you'll have a solid 15,000 for home games. The only games where this won't be the case is TV games (like Derby) silly midweek games (Sheff United on a tuesday...yeah thats going to pull in the ticket sales!) and games against teams from further away/less support (Blackpool, Burnley etc).

You've got 13500 ST holders.

Average of 1,000 away fans a game

Plus the floaters

The only question is, will another play-off/promotion campeign happen, probably changing attendances from 15,000 to 17500 or so.

we had over 16,300 on saturday, despite being on sky, which for me VERY good sign of things to come, hopefully we should be able to keep that sort of figure as a average over the course of the season.

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we had over 16,300 on saturday, despite being on sky, which for me VERY good sign of things to come, hopefully we should be able to keep that sort of figure as a average over the course of the season.

Yep, exactly what I was thinking, 16,000 should be the minimum we are looking at for most games (even against teams with smaller away support).

An average of 16K would be and increase of roughly 1K attendees on last years average. Just think, and at that rate, in 14 more years we'll be able to fill our new 30K seater stadium. :innocent06:

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we had over 16,300 on saturday, despite being on sky, which for me VERY good sign of things to come, hopefully we should be able to keep that sort of figure as a average over the course of the season.

Appologies, I was honestly under the impression i heard 14k mentioned or read it... don't know how it got into my head, but it did! Complete mistake!

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