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What A Difference A Page Makes .


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Well there I am , the sun is out and I am slurping my cup of Earl Grey at work when I pick up the Times .

Now please don't think it's the daily read for the double-trouble household , but fed up of seeing the same stories made up ,about the jumped up , in the Star , Mirror , Sun etc...

In the week I find it a good read where even the sports pages make a decent read .

But anyway back to the Times this morning and how two different pages can affect you for the day ahead .

The saying goes ' that a picture paints a thousand words ' and on page 22 was that picture .


The story was about Ethiopia and why it has not helped itself with some of the problems it has encountered .

The picture showed a young lad possibly about 4 years of age held motionless , but not quite lifeless , within a wrap around piece of cloth that was held above his head to weigh him .

The food he and many thousands of other children need was dependant at that moment on his weight . If he was an ounce or two over the set target , he would be released from this wrap to try to survive the week .

I felt , and still do feel helpless to help in anyway I can but then the article was highlighting the lack of interest and help by the powers that could make a difference .

As I take this story in and it starts to play with the mind I turn the page to page 24 .


It was a story based around lottery money that has found its way to providing this last weeks sporting pride amongst us courtesy of Beijing .

Up to last night it was accounted by a bigwig somewhere that lottery money equating to £ 9.4 per medal had been used on our Team GB over the last few years . If you take out the Camelot , government and retailers shares that equates to a lot more that you and I have spent on the little paper numbers .

It has been reported how much more needs to be spent over the next 4 years to sustain the current trend and what is also shown as a percieved shortfall of £ 100 , 000 million +


No I 'm not some born again christian looking to spread the word of the world's wrongdoing ' s etc...

Just a city fan with 4 kids surviving in the world I live in , and make , lucky enough to be reading a newspaper in the sun .

Makes me think lifes not that much of a bitch in double-trouble world . :pray::pray::pray:

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