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The Prom _ Bristol........ Guest List


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Anyone interested in being on the Band guest list for Friday night?

I play with ''Hotdog Jackson' ........... and I can get you in on the Guest List...... if you are interested

Anyone out there for an 'A' List night out?

All very BCFC, glad to help a fellow fan, or fans and girlfriend....boyfriend ...... :)

Don't hang around though...... need your details...... well name(s) etc

Gloucester Rd


Get In There Quick...... don't hang around if you are genuinely interested

It's always nice being on the guest list........ I know :)

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Sorry I missed that one, the esteemed Prom is not far from my gaff.

Good gig? you tend to get a decent and nicely inebriated crowd in there for Friday & Saturday shows. And they've a pretty reasonable sound rig for a modest venue.

Pity, it was a good night..... maybe next time..... it was all a bit short notice regarding me being told that I could have as many people on the guest list as I liked :)

Ex.Vibrators (Post 70's line-up) guitarist Micky came up and did a few numbers with us too.

Phil Lo from the still does a monthly slot on my little brothers 'Max's Magic Circles' show on 'WirlessFM' , if you are interested....... Both of them always play interesting music..... I can PM you prior to him being on if you like?

Comedy oddity 'Frank Sidebottom' also does a slot occasionally.

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