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Important Phone Number

Never to the dark side

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I'm going to Coventry, so I just rang it.

I said I was coming to the game, but the girl who answered didn't seem interested.

What did I do wrong?



After you've got through talking the poor girl on the BBC switchboard through the pros and cons of Easy Jet travel to Newcastle, you can give these a call.

Ring me next.....


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Hugh you did no wrong

The godivas don't like wurzels ringing up THIER radio station

When we take three points off them I'll be ringing them to say

what about that then?

Fatman,no taxi for me as I'm an eco-warrior

train to coventry via the back of birminghams ground

I'll try and get some better pictures than I did when I travelled to blackpool

A few shots of the local trains in the station and on the bus to the Rioch arena

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