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Do You Think This Is True

john shaws hair

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yea i no but its off the bench

Where have you heard this? Unless you can say I'd suggest you might be on the wind up.

It could be true, but he's played some part in every league game and played near enough 90 minutes of our only cup game.

He's certainly not out in the cold and can expect to play ahead of Trundle at the mo.

After a long time out with injury he cannot expect to walk right into the team, but he's knocking on the door and I expect he'll start at Crewe on Tuesday.

Unless we pull off a very last minute signing of a forward he'll be in the 16 every week, if not on his form (which is excellent right now) then simply as we have no one else.

I'd also hope he had (and actually expect he does) a bit of loyalty to us after we stuck by him though injury.

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Guest MaloneFM
three lions last night so it must be true dnt no if it is,hope it ain't but u never no


In the Three Lions public house yesterday evening. So I trust in it's accuracy. However my feelings towards this accuracy are mixed with trepidation. I await confirmation.



I too wish to receive accurate confirmation of this statment but I feel it would not be forthcoming going forwards.

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If it is true, which I doubt very much it is, then I'd say cheerio to Brooks.

As much of a good player he is, and an asset to the team, he must also appreciate that

a) the club stood by him when he had a spell courtesy of her majesty.

b) the club stood by, supported, spent money, and were patient with him throughout all his injury problems.

c) he is now in the squad and playing reguraly.

d) the club put faith into him to come back.

If Brooks wants to turn his back on all that, then I'd say F off anyway.

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yea i no but its off the bench

So, after 18 months out injured and just four games into the new season, in which he's played in every game, he's had enough of not being able to "command a first team place"?

Yeah, that makes sense.

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sb wants to leave city as he cant command a first team place thats why his goals lack celebration??? hope not

Me thinks cider and a creative mind have come up with this. Makes no sense. GJ wouldn't play him if he had made the club aware he wasn't focused on the job in hand cause he wanted out. And i didn't think he exactly held back when he scored yesterday cause he ran up to the fans arms aloft and seemed pretty happy with his lot.

100% Rubbish i think

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Guest MaloneFM
Yeah, that makes sense.

EDWARD! This was mentioned in the THREE LIONS you know! Thats the THREE LIONS...it's a pub with banners and everything.

Show some respect.

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Doubt he'll be moving to be honest. He's just come back from various injuries and wouldn't just give up because he hasn't instantly got a starting place.

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